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Position:Home>Philosophy> Will this planet one day die?

Question: Will this planet one day die!?
At the rate we're going with the rise in population and all, do you think we'll ever suck this earth dry of all it's resources that it will become difficult for us to survive!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it would seem inevitable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are purely talking about population, then no, the human race will not die out!. Nature has its checks and balances!. If we use up most of our resources, then yes, much of the human population will die!. The strong will survive and since there will be far fewer people, resources will naturally replenish, allowing for new population growth!. It happens all the time in animal populations!. Overbreeding leads to less food, which leads to more deaths and then the balance is restored as there are less of the species in need of food!. There is one vital difference, however!. We have, to at least some extent, the ability to reason!. We can stop overpopulating the planet!. Animals don't have condoms, but we do, lol!. But if you're not just talking about overpopulation, yes this planet will die someday, somehow!. Our star, the sun will die, and with it all life on earth!. And also, the expanding/contracting (big bang) theory of our universe holds that just as our universe is now traveling outward and expanding, it will eventually start contracting back into its original mass, and Earth will be clumped back in with the rest of the matter of the universe!. Good question, by the way!. OH AND it is 100% possible to believe in evolution and the big bang and STILL believe in God!! (just in case anyone was thinking angry thoughts toward what I said)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Quite possibly!. Hopefully we'll get space travel down and mine other planets!.!.!. hopefully!. It is possible especially since the Earth's resources are finite, people seem to think everything is going to last when in reality we're stuck in space on this circle with water and everything else!. Oil isn't infinite, water isn't infinite, plants aren't infinite, even the oxygen isn't infinite!. Thankfully everything pretty much goes in a cycle!. Of course we may over use these cycles until we die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are our own enemy!. All the problems that has happened on this earth, man has caused it, and now they are trying to recover from it!. It is difficult to destroy and regain all of the earth's resources now, because too much damage has been done!.

Every harmful thing that is being now, would have to come to a standstill, in order to recover and repair the earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Two different questions, sparky!. We cannot kill this planet!. Even blue/green algae couldn't kill the planet!. However, like blue/green algae we can change the conditions of the planet so that it is no longer hospitable to us!. We can suck up the resources we need, and kill ourselves off!. 95% of the all the species that have ever been alive on this planet are extinct!. I'm sure we will be, too, someday!. But the planet will rebound!. That said, of course this planet will die someday!. If we're not struck by a preturbed orbit of Mercury and/or Mars in 45 million years or so (I understand there is a two percent chance of that happening), the 4!.5 billion years from now, the sun will expand and swallow us, before rapidly contracting and maybe going nova (although I understand there's some debate about whether our star sol is massive enough for nova or not)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it will die as a planet but not according to the scientists for another billion years probably more!. We have to find a way to stop more people procreating, using up the resources we have now, or find a way of sustaining life on other planets, because we won't survive as a species unless we do something drastic!. We are already over populated, and food is getting scarce so time that the governments started to put their heads together and come up with a plan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The greatest asset we have is our own brains!. It is a never ending resource for our survival!. The human being is the most adaptable animal on this planet!. There is nothing else alive in this world that is as adaptable as men and women of the human race!.
We will find answers to our problems and we will survive regardless of the population of the world!.
I believe that we have an intelligence that outweighs our wisdom for the most part, however !.!.!. I don't think our lack of wisdom is going to be our undoing!. I just think that because of our collective lack of wisdom that we will be going about our survival on a long and difficult road, rather than an easy and short avenue!.
Individually we will die!. That is appointed to every man woman and child born!. One day the planet will die as well, but that is about four billion years away in time!. You and I as well as our great, great, great, great grandchildren aren't going to be here when that happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Planets don't die!?! But people!?! They do!.!.!.People today live to much for themselves!. Not even for their family's!. Only those that live within their homes!. Their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers!. Are as extinct as dinosaurs!. No time for thy neighbour!. Never mind thy neighbourhood!. The man that has left the kind is the only thing killing!.!.!.MANKIND!?! not the planet!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, the planet will die!. Everything does eventually, even planets!. I believe that by the time that happens we will have evolved along with the changes to match what the planet eventually becomes!. Nothing stays the same forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably not theres probably just gonna be a whole new generation of new species wen all humans are gone :[ kinda sad to think about i mean for all we know dinosaurs went to school and thought one day were all gonna die and theres gonna be a future of new creatures u never know!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes and that is why NASA is building a livable outer space station up there somewhere in the universe, so all the top notch people in the world can jump on a rocket and escape to the space station!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats 2 questions!.
to answer the first, YES!!! no doubt!.
as for the other, maybe but we're pretty adaptable so i reckon we'll find a way to cope!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we have three ways to go , 1bl years of core power left (not used or fully tapped yet ), over population, drift off into a black hole, or one big bang by some stupid idiot groupWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes friend
it will die after 10 million year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is what the experts say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


if we do it'll be our children's problem because we'll be long goneWww@QuestionHome@Com
