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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that one misdeed can alter a persons destiny?

Question: Do you think that one misdeed can alter a persons destiny!?
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i think every thing a person does affects his destiny no matter how small or grand!. every action has a reaction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Laws of nature are the determining factors in human life!. One of the law is, "Action and reaction are equal and oppositee"!. But they become applied in human life then are not equal and opposit but " they multiply and magnify!." Misdeed is action so the reaction would be multiplied and magnified, so certainly it alters destiny for particular misdeed only!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, yes, I do think one misdeed can alter ones destiny!. That's why it's so important to stay mindful and centered, and always pay attention to what you do, and to whom you do it!. Be mindful of your motive for doing things!. The motive needs to be pure; with no intention of wrong-doing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Certain things can only happen once or a very few times, so the contribution of a person's life can sometimes be judged on one incident!. A bad deed done to another can certainly ruin their life!. I don't know about destiny, and i also think that people's lives cannot be evaluated until after their death, sometimes a long time after!. There are people unrecognised in their time, for example!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is possible!. I depends on the misdeed, but I certainly think so!. For example, I heard on the radio the other day about a guy who was really depressed and frustrated one day so he tried to hold up a convenience store with a fake gun!. He was tried and convicted and sent to prison for 4 years!. He was raped several times in prison, and now is a leading advocate trying to stop rape in prison!. So that one frustrating, stupid day he had many years ago changed his life dramatically!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not necessarily!. Only the person, him/herself, can make that ultimate decision!. Nothing is ever pre-determined, except that we are all"destined" to die!. A person always has the opportunity to get back on track, albeit with some readjustments and slight modifications!.

In regards to the prison rape situation, that man could have just as easily taken revenge on his perpetrators and return to a life of crime instead of being an advocate for prison reform!. It ultimately comes down to will, or, in some cases, lack thereof!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends upon how stupid you are and the nature of the misdeed!. If the misdeed was to get high on cocaine, but you never do it again, big deal!. If it leads you into a life of cocaine addiction, you're up s*it creek without a paddle!. Generally the people you hang out with are more likely to continue to lead you astray than anything you do individually - although committing suicide is pretty final!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


"One's destiny is altered when, 'One knows the GOOD that
they know they ought to do, but choose not to do it'!."

"Every decision I've ever made, had changed the course of
not only mine, but other people life history, as well!."

"I have made decisions in my past, to where I've neglected
the needs of some, to save the lives of others, far less well
off (financially), or as fortunate as themselves!."

"I've been training for the United States ARMY's 'Special
Forces', way back in 1994!. My Basic Training Unit was then
training with the United States Marine CORPS!."

"We had a U!.S!. Marine CORPS training officer that was 'Zero
Tolerance' towards every little mistake, or MISDEED!."

"Ignorance and mischief, would cost us our very lives!."

"When I graduated from 'Boot Camp', I was the undisputed
Ultimate Fighting Heavyweight Champion of the World, and
selected for the United States ARMY 'Green Berets'!. I have
also won and qualified for many U!.S!. ARMY skill awards,
specialty schools, medals, and 'combat patches'!."

"My training officer, later on became the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, in the year 2006, representing the United
States Marine CORPS!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is an old story told in China!.!.!.The Old Man & the Horse!.!.!.His horse ran away and the people consoled him, He replied!.!."I`m not worried about it, you never know what happens!. A few days later the horse returned and with it was a herd of wild horses!.!.!.!.The people congratulated him on his good fortune and he replied!.!."You never know what happens!." and made no big deal out of it!. Later his only son becomes crippled in an accident while training one of the horses!. Everyone says how sorry they are to hear the bad news!., but the old man says!.!.!."You never know what happens!." Soon afterward government troops pass through the village looking for healthy young men to recruit for a border campaign!. The old man`s son is passed over because of his injuries!.!.!.!. The reciprocal of your question may as easily be asked!.!.!.Can one good deed alter a person`s destiny!? Can we by "our deeds" alter someone elses destiny!? May a word spoken or a thought shared have consequences un-dreamed so far beyond our ken they are not even considered!.!.!.!.!? Yes, in this there is no doubt!. We live BY faith, and ALL things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose!. This does not mean that each and every deed is viewed as good in itself, but if we can see through the veil we will accept that which is our lot with patience!. As we endure we are gifted with vision only because of experience!. Theory and opinion matter little or perhaps nothing at all!. If we can use this time wisely and become able to discern what transpires around us in this world with the eyes of god!.!.!.and have shared in his experience here, we will someday see the resolution of all perplexities!.!.!.!.and in that day when we look back at those things that have happened "to"us!.!.!.we will say we would have wanted it no other way!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a obvious that a wrong act ( missdeed) can alter a persons destiny in jail or suffering!. If a person intention is for the best of mankind,he will prospers too>> for" what you sow ,is what you reap<<"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Everything we do does!. But we don't always get our just deserts!. Luckily!. That's why I used to tell my kids to be glad it's an unjust world!. It means it has cracks in it, through which one may creep in times of need, with a bit of luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those two 'droppings' from the aircrafts on 6th August, over Japan, a few decades ago, altered the destiny of about 3 generations (till now!)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you beieve in pre-destiny, then there is NO free choice and everything you do will lead you to a predetermined point in time and space!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey Rita, not just your own misdeeds but sometimes the misdeeds of others can affect your life directly as well!. Like say my husband, if he were to commit a crime it would affect my destiny as well as his own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely! Karma will always come back to you in some form!. !. !. !. !. the guilt alone will linger like a black cloud over your head !. !. !. !.I always say the devil gets his due!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes!.!.!.definitely!.!.!.but i think its not entirely destiny!.!.!.!.but your personal views of your own destiny alters!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if his deed has changed some others destiny!.!.!.good actions bring good results and bad actions inevitably result in suffering to the one who does them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on the guilt factor which can play havoc with your
self esteem and keep your light from shining it's brightest
when needed down the road!. Bad if you're hunting moths!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We walk a road with many forks and every one has a different destiny with it !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No in the end everyones destiny is death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it would depend on what the misdeed was about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yup ofcourse!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on the deed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

