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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where have all the apes gone?

Question: Where have all the apes gone!?
where have all the good apes gone!? i need a hero ape, who can sweep me off my feet and make me the happiest gorilla in the world!. i think it spiffing how jelly wobbles!. just like the saunder! you know who i meen mrs! and yes jelly makes the rain fall light again!. so that no one can see the heviness of the jelly and penut butter that makes me feel like a squid! this makes no sence but you will see in time, that the globe of encoragment is good for the event of HONDA!.!.!.the global term for " i think its funny how everything is bearly a mosayic display of merry and poyniant seth"!. please handle with care as i am delicate and jelly cant live without me!. you see i love jelly and he keeps me sane!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

So you seek the gorilla your dreams!? A jellycate matter!

And is this event particularly close at Honda!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

May I ask what this has to do with psychology!? :)Www@QuestionHome@Com