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Position:Home>Philosophy> Seriously, When do you people think the world is going to end and how?

Question: Seriously, When do you people think the world is going to end and how!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I, like everyone on this planet, had heard about the Mayan prediction that the world would end in the year 2012!. I didn't believe it!. After all, why not 2014 or 2020, what was so significant about 2012!.

That was until I saw a documentary on Oil!. The experts were saying the world would run out of 'cheap' oil in the year 2012!. At that time, based on what is known now, the oil supply would be limited!. Half of the world's oil resources would be gone!.
Oil would hit $400 a barrel!.

2012!. Now I had a reason this could be the year!. War!. Nuclear War!. All taking place because of Oil!.

Now I am not so sure the world won't end in 2012!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The day it comes a rain right after I get oats planted in that little field where I keep my milk cow and that is gonna be two days after cow prices reach an all time high and my pens won't hold all the stock that I have running on this ranch!. All of that and the end of the world is gonna come three days after I kick the bucket and my toes are turned up!. At least my poor wife will have three days of peace, quiet, rest and relaxation before it all goes to pot!. Seriously !Www@QuestionHome@Com

A very long time from now!. The sun will eventually start to burn itself out more rapidly using up more and more gas thus expanding and burning up the earth!. Then, after the sun collapses back in on itself it will become a black hole and suck the scortched earth into a singularity!.

Sorry, you said the world, not humanity!.!.!.

If you wanted humanity, then!.!.!. I dont know!.!.!. maybe tomorrow, maybe never (if we can get off this rock)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its so OBVIOUS!. The day Hillary is Elected the following will happen!.

Cubs will win the World Series AND the world will come to an end!.

Damn!.!. i hope this isn't going to encourage Chicagoans to vote for socialism!.!.!. YIKES!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't matter your belief system, Creationism or Communism or Darwinism: if you read what they claim, it is just a matter of time, BECAUSE ALL THINGS END!.
I would say with a whimper!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The bird fights its way out of the egg!. The egg is the world!. Who would be born first must destroy a world!."
- "Demian" by Hermann HesseWww@QuestionHome@Com

It will be billion years from now and it will end when the sun dies and it will take earth with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the sun dying out,
or the effects from the increase in global warming
or all viruses will become immune and we can't stop them quick enough!.

whichever comes first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It shall be demolished by extra-terrestrials seeking to establish a hyperspace bypass!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in a thousand years!.!.!.!.!.when global warming floods the world!.!.!.but by then we will be living on Mars or moonWww@QuestionHome@Com

December 2012 I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not me, I see no evidence that this is going to occur!.Www@QuestionHome@Com