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Position:Home>Philosophy> Will the recession make us stronger????

Question: Will the recession make us stronger!?!?!?!?
drive less - walk, bike more - loose weight
eat out less - eat healthier
grow own food - eat healthier
decentralize shopping - local markets and stores will reappear
less disposable income - spend more time with the family

go back to the 1950's when we weren't so materialistic!.!.!.!.
appreciate what we have - not want MOREWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Add to your list, "lose 5 bedroom home to bankruptcy - live in a 2 bedroom apt!. become closer & learn to share & communicate better with each other" and you might have something!.

Seriously, I'm not being sarcastic!. I like that you've put a positive spin on this recession!. Things will get BAD, but we'll get through it stronger!. I have often thought that the 50's was an ideal time!. Single income, single car, family vacations, healthy living!. And that decentralize shopping; I'm for anything that weaken's Walmart's evil grip!

Our country has gotten spoiled when we think cable or satellite tv is a necessity and everyone from Grandmas to 10 yr olds have cell phones!. If you want to know where your 10 year old child is; well he's right where you dropped him off!! Where else would he be!?

EDIT: to the answerer after me who claims "keeping up with the Joneses" came from the 50's, think again!. It actually came about from a comic strip that started in 1913!. http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Keeping_up_!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That would be the only positive spin I could put on it!. But you also need to understand that it also means:

drive less - don't see grandma and grandpa this year and food doesn't get delivered to the hungry as often
eat out less - may also mean not eating at all
grow own food - doesn't work in a drought or war zone
decentralize shopping - likelier that the larger stores are the only ones that will survive!.!.!.the smaller ones will go out of business first
less disposable income - charity will come last in the budget!.!.!.
There is nothing good about a recession!.

And lastly, the 1950s were a bastion of materialism!. The term "keeping up with the Joneses" was coined sometime that decade!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


It would be nice if we could resort to the simpler ways, but we have taken a huge bite out of the "Luxiary Apple"!. Instead of biting that apple,we should be eating humble pie and look at what we have done!.

We cannot regress and go back, but we can fix and improve things!.

GASP - what would we do without cellphones,computers,ipods and convenience shopping etc!.!.!.!?

Removing these luxiaries would put people out of jobs!.

I am not a big fan of Walmart either, but it does provide employment opportuities for more people living in small towns rather than the small "Mom and Pop" stores we use to know!.

As a whole Americans have been materialistic since day one when our forefathers left their homes to move here!. There were promises of riches land, wealth and independence!.

It all boils down to supply meeting demand and we have done so!. We want for nothing as a country, but we need to do for ourselves BEFORE we can help others!.

One way would be to stop out- sourcing our jobs!

How about brigning our men and women home from the war and applying their skills where they are truly needed - at home!. God knows we we could use more nurses doctors and policemen and social workers here!

What about rebuilding old abandoned buildings and homes and turning them into homes for those without!? What about providing more schools and teachers!?

We don't need a recession, we need to get off our rears and apply ourselves!. Maybe re-evaluate what is most important!.!.!.
The welfare of humanity as a whole!.


It depends on what your definition of "stronger" is!.

Will it make us appreciate the things we have that don't depend on money!? Yes!. I can see us becoming much more appreciative of things like family, friendship, and life!.

We will learn how to make do with what we have instead of going out to buy something new when we get tired of our old things!.

But our economy will weaken, which means that government spending could be stretched very thin!. Spending on things like infrastructure and education could go down, which would weaken our country!.

There are both negatives and positives that could come out of a recession!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are now over 9 million empty homes in the U!.S!., the majority from foreclosure!. It's making us weaker, not stronger!. Because these homes are unoccupied, sales at Home Depot!. etc are lower and so on!. No recession has ever made us stronger!. That's why George Bush is taking money out of Medicaid and Medicare and giving it to us as an economic stimulus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It might cure physiophobia, the flight from the physical world!. Get off line and smell the roses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It will make us less materialistic,hopefully!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it seems to me that it will!. But Social Security will fall apart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is the beginning of a full blown depression!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It will make some of us stronger and some of us weaker!. I think you know which!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe our future does indeed lay in our past!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not sure, but so far it's killing meWww@QuestionHome@Com