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Position:Home>Philosophy> How does time work, exactly?

Question: How does time work, exactly!?
I'm of the understanding that two things can be meant by time!. There's the man made concept of time (minutes, seconds) and time as it relates to physics!. Hypothetically in science fiction world, I can imagine a timer counting down in my head!. Now, I can imagine everything going in slow motion as if time has slowed down, but I can still imagine that timer counting down at it's normal pace!. Can anyone explain physics time, like the kind that would have you age less and seem to be in the future if you traveled at light speed!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're talking about relative physics or relative time!.
There is a great article explaining it and it's illustrated to help make sense of the geometric nature of time physics!.

Space-Time Physics and the Future of Time Travel
By Alex MacLellan

Here's the link:


From Wikipedia:
In physics, the treatment of time is a central issue!. It has been treated as a question of geometry!.

One can measure time and treat it as a geometrical dimension, such as length, and perform mathematical operations on it!. It is a scalar quantity and, like length, mass, and charge, is usually listed in most physics books as a fundamental quantity!.

Time can be combined mathematically with other fundamental quantities to derive other concepts such as motion, energy and fields!. Time is largely defined by its measurement in physics!. Timekeeping is a complex of technology and science issues, and part of the foundation of record keeping!.

These are basic overviews, but the y should get you where you want to be on understanding time physics!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you look right down into the guts of what time signifies in the science, you will find that what time really means is CHANGE!. It is almost obvious from our experience that things change (though exactly how valid our experience is becomes a much more protracted discussion), and time is a basis for describing that!. If you like, you can re-write all scientific equations without any time variables, per se, and instead just refer to rates instead!.

This is what you are talking about with phenomenon such as time dilation and the like!. The objects are colloquially described as 'moving through time slower' but what is really happening is that their internal rates of change are altered!. Theoretically, you can alter it almost to the point of zero change, so everything around you could be changing very quickly but not you!. Thus you can 'appear' in the future, even though you never really left the present!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if you were looking through a telescope at something several billion light years away you would be seeing the light that was several million years old!. Technically you could never see anything as they really are, because the light we see is the light that has past!. We have the same time distortions on earth because it takes our mind time to process all the images it takes in!. Really driving a vehicle is the most dangerous thing anyone can do because we all have blind spots and natural time gaps in our thinking!. It's a wonder more people don't crash!. If you were at the sun and traveled on a ray of light it would seem like you appeared out of nowhere, but from your perspective everything would seem normal, but if you travel at warp you would pass light and it might seem like ou were going right past it!. Look up Quantum physics you might find what you are looking for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that time is manmade!. Have you ever noticed that people die, but time goes on!? Time on earth stops things!. But in death, nothing stops anything!. I believe Spiritual Time is actually no time at all!.!.!.it just is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In fact,there is no time but the running of the facts,we produce the time to accucalute how long totally facts have been running!.It is correponding to the facts that happenning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Time is a human feeling!. Joy of the nearest future, pain or regret of the past!. It can also be viceversa!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Time is a strict accountant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. No one really can explain it!. it seems to have started with the big bang!. How!? Why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com