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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think wishing goodness upon your enemies is essential, and why or why not

Question: Do you think wishing goodness upon your enemies is essential, and why or why not!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wishing goodness is essential, whether upon your enemies or friends!. It is much easier to wish goodness upon your friends, so it requires little of an investment of your self!. It is difficult to wish goodness upon your enemies, but when you have mastered the art of goodness (wishing it, giving it, living it under any circumstance), you have mastered something great beyond words!. The best word we have for this is Love!.

Your enemies will not be worse off if you wished them harm, but you would be!. Your enemies will not be better off if you wish them goodness, but you will be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, wishing goodness upon your enemies is essential because of Karma!. The sayings "you reap what you sow", "what goes around, comes around" all have truth in that if you wish hurt on someone you are really hurting your self because you are keeping the anger and hurt that the person did to you inside of you to fester and grow instead of letting it out so you can heal!.

I have found that I feel better when I forgive people that have hurt me!. This does not mean that I will maintain a relationship with that person!. In fact I may cut off all ties to that person!. I would be civil to them if I see them in public as I would any other person but not friendly as I would if I were meeting an old friend that I had not seen in a while!. The forgivness of what they did to me is really for me and my wounds not for the other person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes--the Bible teaches that!. Can't remember the exact verse, but it says to "love one another" and that is good enough for me!. We should always wish, and pray for the goodness of everyone--"Love they neighbor as thyself"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not wish goodness to my enemies I just do not wish them harm but I do believe that in the long run how you treat others is how you get treated you know the old saying what goes around comes aroundWww@QuestionHome@Com

why should you have enemies!? put it in your own shoes how it pains to be hated by someone!. if you have one go to that person for reconcilliation its really bad to hate someone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I think you should be aware aware of your enemies but you don't have to wish either good or bad on them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, though often difficult!. It's the only way to reconcile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

life is too short to hold grudges!.Www@QuestionHome@Com