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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does anyone else understand the wisdom of "facts are the enemy of the truth

Question: Does anyone else understand the wisdom of "facts are the enemy of the truth"!?
If you only look at a few trees, you'll miss the whole forest!.

Anyone can take random facts and take them completely out of context and construct a misleading argument, or present a deluded world perspective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with you to a point!. People have a habit of clinging to a few facts and deducing their own conclusive truth from it, and as more facts arise that lead to the actual truth, often times those people's truths are disproved!. It's a matter of perspective!. For ultimate truths, the more facts you can gather the closer to the actual picture you can get, but the human element changes that ideal situation sometimes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Facts are not the enemy of truth - they are the building blocks!. They do not compete against the truth, they are the stuff the truth is made of!. Yes, people can take a few facts and make elaborate incorrect conclusions!. That's not the facts' fault - and it would be wrong to silence or hide the facts or even refute them, because someone might jump to a conclusion - facts rule!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before litigation became a profession that statement did not exist!. Now this is an art form taught in the third year of Law School!.

In any major city, if you will count the number of Yellow Pages devoted to attorneys and the number of Yellow Pages devoted to Escort Services, you will find them neck and neck for the greatest number of advertisements!. I do not intend to offend anyone in the Escort business!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well,I would say FACTS IS A PART OF THE TRUTH BUT NOT ENEMY,since FACTS is happening,you cannot take the moment that you see as the whole truth,eince truth is also happening that corresponding to the facts that happening!. YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE A PART AS THE WHOLEWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Facts are not the enemy of the truth!. It's the person who misconstrues the facts they think they know that is the enemy of the truth!. But everyone does it, and hopefully they come to see their truth after awhile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

absolutely wrong facts are not enermy of the truth because facts are the truth, as they say facts are irresistable meaning you cant run away from the truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Truth is the totality of fact!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't confuse me with the facts, I have already made up my mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com