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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you ever feel like you're in limbo if you're agnostic?

Question: Do you ever feel like you're in limbo if you're agnostic!?
I feel like I'm Switzerland sometimes!. It feels like believers have some beliefs they are sure of, and atheists believe that god doesn't exist and they are sure of that stance!.

It feels like I'm in limbo and sometimes it feels very odd to say I don't know because well I really don't know!. I think that people want to be sure of the god thing either way so they choose sides!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You'd fit in just fine with me - uncertainty is a nagging itch, as you say, and people would often rather just PICK something to believe than continue on with the "I don't know" which is so unsatisfying!.

The people I personally respect the most in life are those that know the difference between what they know and what they don't know - and bravely bear the uncertainty of not knowing so many things -

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Hm!.!.!.I'm not sure that your beliefs are accurate!. I think in debates/discussions, atheists/theists tend to be more 'certain' than they actually are!. This is good in one vein, since it will make the person argue for what they believe with a lot more thought and effort!. However, to the lurker, it gives the impression that the arguer has all the answers!.

Personally speaking I think I'm more of an agnostic atheist or possibly an ignostic atheist!.

To say that you are an agnostic is a stance on knowledge, not on believe!. In otherwords if you say you are an agnostic, you haven't answered the question on whether you believe in god!. You've only answered the question of whether or not you think knowledge of god (or god's existence) is possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm agnostic, and I don't feel like I'm in limbo!. The reason is simple!. If there is a god, I feel pretty good saying that there's only one supreme being!. It's my stance that all religions are worshipping the same person, and therefore, they are all inherently wrong to believe that the god they personally worship through their chosen method is different than the god anybody else worships through any other method!.

The fact of the matter is, I'm comfortable believing that if there is some holy, supreme, all-powerful spirit or being or whatever, and if there is an afterlife, that he/she/it is an understanding figure and acceptance into an afterlife would be based on merit, the things you did for other people etc!., and in general that you were a good-hearted person!. Not that you guessed right on the religion front or were ignorant enough to not question whether or not he/she/it was real!. It's human nature to wonder and question everything, to want to see things before we believe them!.

I have no problem with people that have lots of faith!. That's great for them, and I never would try to impose what I believe on other people!. It's more that I'm just surprised how many people simply believe what they're taught without asking any questions!. They just follow, follow, follow, and to me that's not how I want to live my life!.

Sorry, I could go on and on about the subject, so I'll stop here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a fantasy church, and if you join, we'll have the beginnings of a congregation!. I

It's the Church of the Trembling Agnostics!. The basic prayer is, "Dear Lord, if you're out there and if you're listening!.!.!.

You can always identify yourself as a Quaker or a Unitarian if you need to!. Although I did hear a statistic that something like 45% of Anglican priests did not believe in God!.

I'm fairly certain that the percentage of non-believers among rabbis is also high!.!.

Welcome to the New Dark Ages!. You may or may not be aware that the Middle Ages lasted a thousand years, and they abolished all the universities because they believed that everything had been discovered already!. Few people could read, and what was written was in Latin!. The church was so corrupt that the bastard sons of the Pope were appointed as Bishops!. The church was all-powerful,, even dictating to kings!.

So now, at a time when anyone with electricity and a phone line has access to the greatest library in the history of the world, we have great masses of people who refuse to read and elect lunkheads who choose to ignore five hundred years of scientific research with demonstrable results!.

I heard this morning that the Florida legislature is trying to push creationism into the public schools!. As in, evolution does not exist, and the world is 6000 years old!.

And we are in Iraq because we are repeating the Crusades!.

But our president is getting his directions from from God!.

every once in awhile, the voices from my childhood speak up and say, "But what if there is!.!.!.!.!?

DEar Lord, if you're out there, and you're listening, help us!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

im an agnostic atheist!.

I'm not claiming to be sure of anything!. I can't prove that God exists therefore I can't be 100% positive that there is no God!.!.my belief in that there is no God is just as irrational as the belief of theists that there is a God!.!.!.they just can't prove his existence!. Atheism would be my personal belief!.!.agnosticism would be my general position on the subject!.

I really wouldn't feel comfortable being an agnostic!.!.I need to take a side!.!.!. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't(it'd be anxious all the time)!. It would be normal for you to feel like that!.Good luck!

You don't have to fit in!. You are fine just the way you are!. You don't have to pick a side in order to follow the crowd!. It's what you believe!. If you feel like you need support there are a few agnostics out there, and they could help you!.!.maybe try asking this in the religion & spirituality section, just to see if you can find some!. :)


My partner and i take in foreign students many of whom have no religious beliefs, but many of them, that come to church with us, do experience some form of comfort from it, and then want to explore what it was that made them feel so calm and relaxed!. In fact we have had e-mails after they have left us to say that they have returned to church to find out more about prayer and it`s place in humanity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you have faith and a strong belief you will not feel like you are in limbo , but you know that you are on the right road and that is it,Www@QuestionHome@Com