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Position:Home>Philosophy> What if all computers and electronics fails in the world and if there is no way

Question: What if all computers and electronics fails in the world and if there is no way to recover or rebuild them!?
what if all the computers fail in the world including comunication devices like mobile,televison,phone all electronics and if it becomes immposible for us to get them back no longer!.
what will happen to the world!?
how is gonna be the survival change!?
what will be the reaction of people and what we will do!?
what are the consequences!?
who are the survivors will be left over!?
is it the end of the world or the new begining of the world!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Our current system would collapse!. We would need to rebuild an entire way of life without what we have become so dependant on!. Many would perish before that happened!.
ATMs would stop giving out money!. Many records would vanish!. Traffic lights would be gone and gas pumps would stop!. Automatic doors, medical equipment, communications and media sources would halt!. We would need to learn to be independant!. Unfortunately we have done away with much of the land that could be converted to fields and help us with self sufficiency!. We'd need to rediscover village/community living!. We would lose a lot of a generation but we'd survive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There would be absolute chaos, food, and oil would soon run out because nobody would know where it was, or where it was planned to be going!.
I guess the survivors would be the most vicious, ruthless and well armed!.
It is not such an unlikely thing to happen, as you probably know!. We would have no warning of any extreme electromagnet pulse, from solar activity, for instance, that could stop computers working, as it would arrive at the speed of light!.
It's a frightening scenario to imagine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we would feel choked up, and so useless!.
the reaction of people will be very bad, trust me, the world will go crazy!.
I guess we then have to find other ways to communicate:

other ways to entertain:
-ride horses
-watch plays (like shakespeare's time)

but overall: it will be just like the old times, where there wasn't electricity!. we'll have candles all over the place!. kind of neat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one will die without these things!. But long term they will die from hunger due to loss of jobs and stuff like that!. There will be huge amounts of people depressed!. Eventually we will find ways to survive like stone age and it will lead us to a big change!. But don't worry, America have plan for everything!. They have made the new technology up to year 3000!. But they let that technology out very slowly, so that they can make long term profits!. It's pretty complicated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thunderdome!. Actually, I'm pretty sure there will be some sharp electrical engineers who could figure out how to reconstruct a simple telephonic communications system!. That's why you should stay in school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humans have survived without them before!.
It will take some adjustments, and some will jump out of windows (no pun intended) as they do when major shifts take place, but, overall, we will survive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A new beginning!

Very good question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
