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Position:Home>Philosophy> If rights are indeed formulary, are we not at core deserving?

Question: If rights are indeed formulary, are we not at core deserving!?
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Rights are not "forumulary!." They are unalienable!. That means they are yours at birth--it's the only "formula" necessary!.

Using the word "deserving" sets up a false dichotomy, one that says rights are to be handed out like presents because we are "deserving!."

Rights are not "deserved!." You are born with them!. As our nation's laws assert, they are indeed "unalienable," and can only be TAKEN AWAY when you become "undeserving," such as after committing a felony!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rights are creations by respective governments to ration out your permission of what you can and can't do under their territory!. These rights are irregardless of what you are capable of doing, and are not respective of morality or what your personal values system would dictate for yourself!.

If you are a citizen, then you are a slave!. You have only those rights alloted by your respective owners!. You cannot determine your own rights, otherwise you will be imprisoned!. You cannot represent yourself in America, for instance, because this is a Republic, and only those chosen by the system can speak for you, whether they do or not!.
And to help make it feel at least a little more liberating, you have the right to treat non-citizens in any manner you want, because they are not allowed the same rights, and are thus open territory for exploitation such as slavery, rape and murder!.

Rights are a human creation of ideas, but have little to do with something that represents the core being of our existence!. Human rights do not have natural evolutionary process in mind, nor do they make exceptions to accomodate necessary changes in our core nature!.

Rights are a political creation meant to extract permission of the majority for their willing serfdom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are as deserving as we believe we are deserving!.
Thoughts positive & negative move in & out the mind, building a
notion, contradicting, undermining it, back & forth yet from this mess a formula is produced & affects not just the mind & body of the thinker but others near & far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who said that rights are formulary!? What rights are you referring to anyway!? Your question doesn't add up!. Deserving of what!? People don't have to always deserve or earn things!.!.!.!. a lot of things happen to people which they didn't deserve!. Who decides who deserve what anyway!? No one has that right or power!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes but try convincing the frightened people who want to curb the rights of others because they are afraid of what they might do!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com