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Position:Home>Philosophy> What causes something TO BECOME FASHIONABLE?

Question: What causes something TO BECOME FASHIONABLE!?
For example, what caused the word "cool" to become fashionable just a few years ago!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Usually, NOTHING becomes fashiobable until someone from the priviledged class gives it an endorsement!. Someone who is envied by the rest of the mud-diggers will always be the one to start or end a fad!. Even if it's an artist who is a mud-digger!. If someone of perceived importance gives him an endorsement, he's a genius!. If not, he's a struggling loser like the rest of us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cool has been around a lot longer then just a few years ago!. I believe it started its life as Jazz age slang, revived itself as beatnik slang, hippie slang, etc!. Of course, as soon as something becomes "cool" to enough people, it will cease to be cool to those who want to appear on the cutting edge!. And if you could actually predict what causes one thing to become fashionable, while something very similar flops, there'd be a lot of Marketing people who'd pay a lot of money to talk to you!. Read the novel "Bellweather" by Connie Willis!. It's directly on this topic and is one hell of fun and funny read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has to be accepted, adopted and used by a large group of people!. It doesn't necessarily have to be above average, tasteful, or useful, though!. Think of all the dumb things in the last several decades that became fashionable:

Pet rocks
Leg warmers
Disco music
Orange shag carpet
The Clapper

Sometimes I look at womens clothes that are supposed to be fashionable and wonder if the person was colorblind, demented, or just plain blind!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Three rules!.
To start a fad:

1!. It has to be easily accesible
2!. It has to be new
3!. It has to be memorable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha you ask some very broad questions buddy!.

Why!? Because they're catchy and they spread quickly!. also the media helps a LOT!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fashion is the cover for laziness!.!.!.and those fashionable stuff spreads out through lame people!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sex; Drugs; and Rock and Roll!.!.!.!.


I'm still working on the description, "State of the Art"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com