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Position:Home>Philosophy> Allegory of the cave by plato!!! HELP?!?!??!?

Question: Allegory of the cave by plato!!! HELP!?!!?!!?!?!!?
i have a hard time inderstanding it!.!.!.
i surfed around the internet looking for an explanation but hey, its so messed up!.
as im getting it is that people do not see the reality, they can only see a shadow of a reality!/!?!!?!!?!!?! is that correct!?!?!?!?
please explain it to me from the bottom up!.!.!. i have a test on thursday!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The people sitting in the cave see the shadows on the wall and think that they are real things!. They only see this shadow of reality!. Eventually, one of them goes outside and sees the sun and the light and the real world!.

This represents how the world we live in is merely an imitation, that true reality is made up of the Forms!. The sun here represents the Good, which illuminates the true things,

When the man who has seen the sun goes back into the cave, his eyes are unaccustomed to the darkness, and the other prisoners make fun of him because he can't see what is 'real' to them!.

Hope that helps, good luck on the test!Www@QuestionHome@Com

its a beautiful allegory!. but in order to truely understand it you have to be the man who left the cave!. or box or matrix or whatever you'd like to call it!. once you have truely seen the light you can truely understand the world or your world!. but not everyone has seen the light and those who havent will not only laugh at you but they wont believe or understand what it is you've actually seen!. thats how reality works!. what is isnt always what really is!. reality is perception!.Www@QuestionHome@Com