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Position:Home>Philosophy> When looking back at ur life, does it seem like a novel where all people/events

Question: When looking back at ur life, does it seem like a novel where all people/events seem to fit like a puzzle!?
Like if you havent met this person, an event never would have happened that made something else happen and so on and so on!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love that someone asked this, because yes, i do feel that way!.!.!.If i hadn't met A, i wouldn't have written a screenplay about him that led me to casting B!. If i hadn't known C, I wouldn't have ever thought of casting B!. And because I know B, I know D, who was my last boyfriend!.!.!.!.!.it goes on and on!. It is so weird how everyone is connected, i love it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, of course it is all going to fit as though it is a "puzzle" and remembered as though it was a "novel"!. This is because it is human nature to rationalize!. Think of the most out there event that could ever happen to you, something that you would never otherwise imagine happening!. If this event were to take place today, 10 years from now you could look back and say "Wow, that makes so much since now, just look at the way that this event has fallen into place in my life"!. You would have rationalized this event to no longer be something unexpected!. Instead, you would view this event as nothing more than an influential piece of your puzzle (life) that you would have continued to build your life around the same way you would have if it had been a simply mediocre happening!. This realization is one that is absolutely indispensable in this game of life, because knowing this one piece of information will inevitably help you to fight the battles and climb the mountains that will, or possibly have been presented to you!. This piece of knowledge will be helpful in those situations where you can not imagine WHY some terrible event has taken place!. (Of course when something wonderful takes place, it is never questioned, but this too is human nature)!. So next time you find yourself asking why something has happened, "why me!?" "why her!?" "why him!?", just remember that in 10 years you will look back and it will just be another piece of the puzzle that has fallen into place!. These questionable events are the sentences in the novel that you don't quite understand until you read the last page!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is like a tree, all of your decisions branch out, and lead to other decisions, sometimes they take you back to the same place you started (bad habits)!. I agree with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. To me, a better metaphor is life as a huge tapestry, and the farther along my thread I travel, the more I can see of the big picture all us threads are making together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, not at all
i am only 16, and so far!.!. things have been very predictable
although, i am still young and my life is pretty much beginning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh yes everything happens for a reason!. Go rent the Butterfly Effect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yep!. it really does!.

some things i'm not to happy about, but they lead to other things i'm extremely happy about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i don't believe in coindenence's i think everything happens for a reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sure enough!.!.!.!.that's lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com