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Position:Home>Philosophy> Best LOVE ever!!!?

Question: Best LOVE ever!!!!?
Just accepting Life as IT IS!.!.!. Giving thanks eternally for all we've been given!.!.!. for all we have lived!.!.!. learnt!.!.!. and smiled!.
BEING is the best present we can receive!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Orale claro que si!!
Aceptar la vida con todo lo que ella nos trae, Dar gracias, es aceptar lo que el Universo nos ense?a para nuestro crecimiento y alcanzar el SER!.!.!.!.!. nuestro mejor regalo!!

Love & Peace!.



orale!.!. but what is your question!?Www@QuestionHome@Com