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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why can't we speak of our personal moments of grace without obscuring the So

Question: Why can't we speak of our personal moments of grace without obscuring the Source!.!?
How do our Teachers deal with this!? As intensely personal as private revelations through grace are, why do we have an impulse to share them with others!? Does the act of speaking of our perceptions sever an open link with with the field of consciousness!? Does our Inner Guide have designs and teachings that are against their nature to be repeated!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It seems to me that speaking of grace and grace itself are separated by the concept of 'having it' or of having identified with it!. We can point toward grace by speaking of this, but will this actually either recreate it or even "sustain" it with any words we use to point with!? Probably not totally!. And yet something else is going on at the same time!.

In the alive spaciousness of the heart, there are no words!. Isn't this very aliveness exactly Buddha, but not Buddhism - or the equivalents in your own way of Being!? And yet we do seem to be able to share this being somehow without breaking the link!. It does seem to me that our words from the heart find their place in the heart of others and it breaks open entirely within consciousness - consciousness that is the shared heart of all!. That something else going on!.!.!.!.!.isn't this what consciousness is looking for through "us"!? It does seem to me that even while grace IS always and forever, there is also the sense of 'having it'!. That is enough to cause the sense of separation it seems, even though there is not separation!.

Yes, grace seems to want to be shared!. The revered teacher, Ramana Maharshi did so with the most complete loving silent gaze - from grace to grace!.

Does this make any sense!? Too many words again!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No It is not against nature!.

These revelations are just intensely personal and simply do not translate well to anyone other than the one who they were intended for!.

Everyone is having a somewhat different life experience and any message that is directed at the unique set of experiences that one is confronted will not necessarily make sense, seem revelant or even logical to someone else!.

The connection is never actually severed it is just difficult to maintain the necessary focus that is required to receive them indefinitely!. The teachers never leave you and in quiet moments they will still assist!.

They are there waiting to help and do this in the spaces between our thoughts!. It is our job to make those spaces bigger!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com

We "sparks of soul" have a desire to 'connect' with others, to share and be shared!. Unfortunately, the only game in town is with other egos, pretending to be Gods!.

The Creator has a sense of humor!. He gave us humans 98% chimpanze genes and self-awareness, a way to circle back around to reconnect with The Source, a dual nature!.

So us humans are not herd animals, we are gang members, with a desire to reconnect with The Creator!. which we can do, but to accomplish it we must give up Pride/ego!.

So we are both on our own and connected!. Hence internal conflict!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

our moments of grace are so personal that, when we go to share them with others, somehow the meaning is lost, and misunderstood!. the person we are sharing it with may not understand!. this is because the revelations we experience are more than just thoughts, they are deeper!. they may even go beyond emotion!. it may just be an intuitive knowing, a personal understanding!. now how do we communicate that!? some things are made to be manifest only in our own realm of consciousness, and maybe others can observe them simply by what we do!. remember, these are things that speak beyond words!. so maybe someone could see a reflection of it in is, but still not know exactly what it is, or be able to describe it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me!.!.!.no it doesnt sever the connection with the Source!.
For me!.!.!.it expands it!
For a long time, I would keep my revelations to myself!.!.!.I denied them, passed them off as "ridiculous"!.!.!."unnormal"!.
I believe that, we all are here to help each other!.!.!.now, what you say or what I say!.!.!.may not help everyone!.!.!.but if we can reach just one person!.!.!.JUST ONE!!
Let them feel at peace to BE!.!.!.we have expanded our own Salvation!.
I believe that giving and receiving are One!.!.!.so as I receive I give!.!.!.if it doesnt help anyone, that's ok!.!.!.I followed My Spirit!.

This question makes me think of this part of a particular quote:

"We were born to manifest the Glory of God, that is within Us"

I love you and Peace!Www@QuestionHome@Com