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Position:Home>Philosophy> I'm constantly thinking, and I can't stop. Is life directing me or am I

Question: I'm constantly thinking, and I can't stop!. Is life directing me or am I directing my life!? Is fate real!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try this simple remedy!. Find a quiet and still place and wait for your next thought to arrive!. If a thought makes its presence felt try to figure out where it came from!. The more you do this the more you see your thoughts for what they really are - so much static that distract you from your true essence!. This will throw you immediately into the moment and help you to realize that our thoughts are 'not us' - our true selves are the watcher or witness of those thoughts!. Our brains are amazing tools however somewhere along the way we have mistaken them for us!. Our true selves are beyond the thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've kind of wondered the same from time to time!.

I can't stop my mind from thinking about things -- even things I wish I didn't have to think about!. The smallest things become overworked and underexplained in my mind -- and havoc remains the result!.

I don't think that life is directing you, nor that you are directing life!. You're directing each other!. Your life will play out no matter what, but your directions, though not always followed, can influence!.

also, I don't believe in the traditional concept of fate, however I do believe in a slightly more structured form!. In my opinion, every small detail of life -- be it a misplaced atom or a miniscule fragment of thought -- has a momendous impact on the future!. Therefore, your present defines your future, and each set of unique details, millions of thousands of billions in all, can lead to a series of results, each one of a certain likelihood in comparison with another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stilling a mind racing our of control is a learnt art in the case of one has become mentally disturbed!. There are simple meditation exercises, although contributors on this forum have complained of the problem becoming exacerbated when using yantra or mantra or the like!.!.

A simple relaxation technique, or closing the eyes, relaxing, breathing in through the nose, until the breath seems to fill your entire being, and exhaling gently through the lips!. This causes increased blood circulation and a light headed feeling!.

With closed eyes, focus on the point between your eyes within your head!. The pituitary or primary centre point as it is referred to!. At first it will be uncomfortable for eye muscles unaccustomed to such strain, be as gentle, if it causes discomfort, cease, and try again, until it becomes second nature!.

What you are doing is FOCUSING, concentrating and being in control!. Its wonderfully relaxing and peace bringing!.!.

Peace Upon You !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you think - therefore you are!? is a question posed often!. I believe that disciplining your mind to think about what you want to think about is the way to power!. Direct your thoughts and the mind is a powerful force!. As for fatalism - whether fate occurs preordained is something perhaps you might study and make your mind up about!. Don't stop thinking though - or you'll end up stupid !.!.!.mate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, you don't think, you are being thought!. to think means you can choose when to think and leave it when you don't need thought!. thoughts are constantly hapening in your mind!. you can watch them!. don't identify with every single one!. ask yourself which one you truly need right now, and which one you can just let float by!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The more you learn to apply your will power to control your thoughts, feelings and actions toward your ethical goals, the more you direct your life!. Fate is real, so is your power to alter its course as I've indicated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are overthinking it!. Just take things as they come and just enjoy life and not question everything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

both, you are bit a slave to your senses, but you create your own plan of actionWww@QuestionHome@Com

you are searching for your creator!.!.!.!.!.and unknowingly wanting his direction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com