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Question: God-science!.!.!.!?
most of the people accept the evolution theory, darwin etc!.etc!. they have common sense!. bt y don they try to apply science over the evolution of god!? the mythologies preach a lot of unbelievable and unrealistic, fake things!. it is mostly against common sense!. bt y don people question that within themselves!. why do they believe in god with such internal conflicts!? why don they apply common sense and think!? havind being educated well, backing science and even scientists believe in god!. how is this happening!? what is the magic!?

are they fearing for anything or for society or no other faithful soul in reality or what is that!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A combination of things!. Desire, self-interest, pascels wager, fear of death etc!.!.!.

Surprisingly, most Christian moderates (secular majority) choose to worship God on the what-if premisis!.
What if God does exist!? I will receive eternal reward!. If he doesnt I would have only wasted some time in life going to church, reading the bible, etc!.
If God exist the atheist will burn in hell for all eternity!. If he doesn't the atheist will not even get satisfaction in knowing he was right because deaths the end!.

Safe bet - Beleive in God!. That wretched Blaise Pascel and his stupid wager!. It surprises me how many people use different versions of his wager, with no prior knowledge of his philosophy!. Some people rather believe in "an idea" rather than reality!.

Finally, allot of people find the alternative world view "naturalism" absolutely damning!. To them if there is no God, life after death, etc!.!.!. life is meaningless!. Atheism = Nihlism!. They think its "sad!."

I've never understood this pessimistic view of naturalism!. I think its beautiful that all life on earth is related - and will ultimately end one day!. Even if I didn't, belief is not a matter of choice, its a matter of truth!. Others "theist" dont see it that way!.

Edit: I almost forgot to answer your question!. I think people ignore the evolution of religion because its convienent!. They put it in the back of their mind!. This is why Im in favor of schools teaching a "comparative religion" course!. My sister took a class similar to this, and it changed her outlook on religion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry CASSY !.!.!.almost unreadable

but if you cast off the idea that even God may evolve!.!.!. well you hit the right person: me, i think that God is evolving, doing his best to improve!.

He has a VERY long way to go, much damage has he done!. Though, i'm definitely generous: I root for himWww@QuestionHome@Com

science only takes you so far!. after that its up to each and everyone of us in what we choose to believe!. some people argue that god must have created the big bang!. things we cant argue for or against!. thats where god comes in!. past logic and past reasoning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The "evolution OF God"!?!?!?!? I've never heard of that!. What did he evolve from!?

Aristotle believed we were on our way TOWARD God, but God did not make it!. Do you mean somthing like that, like our "conceptual" evolution of the meaning of God!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

a being that has power over everyone on earth and is in charge of everything that happens does not agree with science, that is why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com