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Question: What is real!?
And what's its opposite!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Real would be here and there!. Its opposite is where and nowhere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion, you can either go with the philosophy that everything is real, or nothing is real!.

I believe that everything is real - everything you sense, feel and imagine is real!. Many people would argue that only things you can physically sense can possibly be real (and maybe not even that, "cogito ergo sum" etc!.)!. Taking this one step further, you can argue that nothing is real, because how can we trust our senses and why do we!?

However, I think that any feeling or thought IS real, simply because you feel it!.

If - like me - you take an "all or nothing" approach with reality, then there is no opposite!. If everything is real, there is no opposite!. If nothing is real, there's no comparison (unless you're looking at Plato's analogy of The Cave - look it up)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since there may be things that we are not aware of, what is real includes all the things that we can measure or observe, and it potentially could include other things we are not aware of!. Our categorization of the thing observed or measured may be incorrect for many reasons, but there is a reality to it, never-the-less!.

What is not real is often the object of our desires, which tend to distort what is real into something else!.

Imaginary playmates can be though of as real by a child!. And they are real to the child in the sense that something is happening in the child's mind!. But they are not real in some objective sense, like another real child!. Adults do the same sorts of things with God, angels, demons, and such!.

For the things that may exist that we are not aware of, since we are not aware of them, we will not know of their existence and their reality!. So to assign something as real we must be aware of it so that we can observe and measure it!. Just being aware of an idea or desire doesn't make it real or give it existence!. I can say that "xuwyt" is real but I might have problems demonstrating that!.

The opposite of real is imaginary!. The idea of superman is an idea of an imaginary thing!. There is no superman, so superman is not real, but the idea of superman is real!. We can talk about superman so our conversations are the observation of the reality of the idea!. People get confused because they think that something must exist if we have a name or an idea for it!. Some people can get angry if you point out that they are assuming their idea has objective existence, when all they have is the idea of it!. As if you were taking candy away from a baby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Man creates his reality!. What he chooses to acknowledge and what he disregards!. The life choices he opts for, the path he travels, the thoughts he entertains!.

One man’s reality is another’s unthinkable absurdity!. We look around!. There is much to be joyful of, life health and potential in all things!. Look again and there is so much pain and suffering in the hearts of mankind!. Depressing and a destabilising of our emotional immunity!.

Man then subconsciously has doctored preferences!. Ultimately when the will and senses are mastered, man has control of his mood, temper and desires!. His life choices and option!. True freedom and success is the ability to find ones happiness and love and peace where we intend or seek to find peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read about Hume's fork and Kant's Synthetic a prioir!.

I hate to admit it, but Wikipedia actually has good pages on these topics!.

It's a question that in all sincerity cannot be completely answered by us, unless we simply infer to the best explanation (use abductive reasoning)!.

I"m not a solipsist myself!.!.!. but it's an interesting arumgnet masked by its ridiculous nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me the concept of reality is flawed in itself because I believe that everything is relative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Real is what makes you think, believe, feel and act!. What does not is the opposite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com