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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you have a strong commitment that you can readily throw your life at any mome

Question: Do you have a strong commitment that you can readily throw your life at any moment!?
example, your son is being attack by crocodile!. are you ready to jump in and die from him instead!?

ship is sinking!. there's only one space left in a life boat!. are you willing to give that space to your son and drown!?

you have no commitment to life!. you can give up any time!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Life has a funny way of making you make those kind of commitments!. I remember when I first started to drive and I practiced in my mind how to turn into the skid and worried if I would be capable of doing it!. When the time came, I did what I had envisioned!.

The same was true about my son when it meant his life or mine!. Thankfully, nothing happened, but I did step in front of the danger!. I guess we never know, truly know, until we are confronted, but we must be ready or we will be at the mercy of whether or not we can move in a frightening moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Given the scenerios you provide I would definiatly give my own life!. My commitment to life starts with my daughter!. Mine means nothing without her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You left out the stranger burning up in their car! My life is mine and if I die saving someone I don't know, then life is worth living! I wonder if you understand what I mean by this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com