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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think too much possibility is a curse?

Question: Do you think too much possibility is a curse!?
in the medieval times, the smiths were doing smith and schumaker were making shoes!. people usually took the job their parents were doing, they live all their lives in where they were born!. the good side is that they didnt have to experience the pain of choosing one thing, which consequently kills other opportunity!.

now you can choose!. but some choose impossible things that they could never achieve and they haven't!. and at their death bed they are feel excruciated that they couldn't achieve or chose not to do it!.

someone may wish in his death bed that he should have pursued his dream of becoming a painter instead of being a lawyer!. but hey, he still lived a better life than those of the medieval times!.

do you think too much possibility make us suffer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
sometimes yes!.!.!.becuz i want to become a vet but many ppl tell me im a great artist and i shouldn't let that go but i know artist don't make alot of money compared to what vets do!. but i like both equally!. then i think what am i complaining about i could have no choice for either and my only option to be black smith or something!.!.!.if that makes any sense to you!.

to first answerer!.!.!.!.
what if you don't have time to figure it out before you have to choose your career path!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends on your attitude!. If having lots of possibilities excites you, great! Otherwise, you can just pick the safest option and feel comfortable knowing that you were true to yourself and did what felt right to you at the time!. By the way, I'm a lawyer and an amatuer painter, while practicing law takes a lot of time away from my other interests, at least it pays the rent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that the purpose of life makes us suffer!.

Was that man's purpose to paint a master-piece, or to be a lawyer, or something entirely different!?

The only way possibilitty makes us suffer, is that it makes us lazy, and keeps us from looking for our purpose nearly so hard as we ought!.

to the second answerer, i think that it's something important enough to deserve time!. moneys not everything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that possibility is a blessing, people missusing possibility is a curseWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, not at all!. People make a choice at what they wanted to do!. "Pain of one choosing" in relationship sto a profession is absurd!. You want an example of how punishing and awful a system of "non-choice", go look at the people in India still caught under the Caste system!. I'm certain most people from a civilized country wouldn't find that to be OK or acceptable!.

Your example of medieval times is actually not a good one at all!. Your argument about a lawyer who had dreams of being a painter - well he had the opportunity to be a painter!. How about the blacksmith who actually had talent but was not allowed to paint because he forced to learn the family trade!. I would much prefer to have at least the choice of what I'm going to do!.

also, think of all those people who dedicated there lives to find a cure for disease - they chose to go into the medical field!. It's not a coincidence that the majority of cures from diseases come to countries in Europe or the United States!. Places where one is free to choice there own destiny!. Someone who chooses there own destiny will want to proceed in the profession because it's something they WANT TO DO!.

It's always been my experience a smart person will do well in any profession!. However if you put a smart person in a job they love - you will see results that are often amazing!. People being unhappy in employment is not uncommon but shouldn't be blamed on the "possibility"!. Matter of fact, if more people took more chances and decided not to take the "easy route", I think more people would be happy!. I can tell you now the lawyer decided to be a lawyer instead of a painter because he/her took "easy way out"!.

Making a living as a painter - no matter how good your talent is - is much more difficult then being even a sub-par lawyer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com