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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why no matter how living standards improve, humans are always unhappy?

Question: Why no matter how living standards improve, humans are always unhappy!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it's because living standards aren't everything!.
Some people need to sacrifice something to live in nice homes, but perhaps that something was actually the key to their happiness!. Why'd they give it up!? Because they saw someone happy in a nice home and decided they needed it too!.
Oh well!.

also: Every single human being is crazy in some way!. Just throwing that out there!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Way too many outside expectations!.
People are trying to find fulfillment on the outside!.
Building and improving what is around them, the standards of living!.
The place they should be seeking fulfillment is internally!.
The outside world is only a reflection of our inside world!.
If people would work on improving themselves on the inside,
then the outside will improve as a by product!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are proceeding on the false assumption that humans always unhappy!. They are very often happy, regardless of living circumstances!. What humans are is striving, inventive creatures, and we are evolving as a species on a planet that is evolving!. That is what life is!. If we were not, we would be dead as dodoes!. It is probably hard-wired in us to seek to do things differently, to invent new things, and to keep changing, because that's what evolution is!. How do you think that living standards improved to begin with!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happiness is a choice!. No matter how bad living standards have been in the past, there have always been a few people who've chosen to be happy!. Usually everybody else looks at them suspiciously and wonders what the hell they have to be so happy about!. I'm told St!. Francis got that a lot!. Lots us of look at people who make themselves happy with some strange belief system or another, and we try to emulate it, but we can't grasp their sense of security that is the true cause of the happiness!. So we try to FORCE that belief on others to try and make ourselves more secure in chasing what will always be for the majority of us a mere illusion of happiness, because we demand some sort of external validation for that happiness!. Usually this just results in making lots more people unhappy regardless of material circumstance!. Ah well, at least misery loves company!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we're collectively just spoiled!. We live in a world where creature comforts are now demanded!. But it's never enough because technology moves so fast, there's always a better way to do something!. What most people don't realize is that no matter how much better we have it, they believe we should have it even better!. It's a never ending cycle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because we are missing our true purpose in life! We are not here to serve ourselves!. There is this ever growing trend in society; It's all about ME! Have you noticed how we say; "well, what about me"!? "What's in it for me"!? Or, I want, I need, that's not fair to ME! There is no enjoyment in satisfying oneself all the time!. One can only have so much of 'self', before we start taking our boredom and dissatisfaction out on the other guy!. And he doesn't even see it coming, let alone deserve it! Misery loves company and bitterness is rampant in society today! Well, it's not my fault, we say! But it is! Somehow, maybe, we could alter it's course!. I don't know!. But we got to start looking outward, for the other guy; instead of inward!. Self-gratification has gotten us nowhere fast! And until we learn to serve others without expecting something in return; we are moving forward,in the wrong direction!Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are human and we live to find something new and better!. We do not know what is the best but we do know what is better for we always make a better from something worse therefore never achieving the best!. To answer the question we are never happy because we always look for something better ( there's always opportunity or potential)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because nobody is on the positive side anymore!.
I use the saying "It could be worse"!.
I hate how people complain about how horrible their
life is and how they never get anything new, or my parents hate me!. That's bull!. I'd be so appreciative if I were some kids!. My friend always said how mean her parents were!.
And how strict!. They're strict for a reason, because they love you!. And she get's anything she wants phone, iPod, etc!.
I have none of that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As the"ease"of life improves, peoples need for each other decreases!. It's sad to not be needed!.Life becomes cheaper and less meaningful!.
In more "primitive" societies, barring famine and disasters I think people would feel "happier" or at least more satisfied!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's because they always want what the other guy has! Since we humans only live about 100 years, we forget what life used to be like, cause then it wouldn't seem so bad!.

We complain because its a fun topic to discuss at the pub!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In most of the world, except Russia and China, living standards are always declining!. Human aren't happy because they feel live slaves working like they do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is because the world was never perfect and will never be perfect!. There will always be something in our world that sucks!. That's just the way it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

~Speak for yourself!. As for me, I'm so happy that I walk around just giggling and beaming!. There is more to life than "living standards"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats what i think, we're all living fairly good enough lives, but all politics are about is how bad life sucks right nowWww@QuestionHome@Com