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Position:Home>Philosophy> What if we exist inside the Large Hadron Collider... but in the future!?

Question: What if we exist inside the Large Hadron Collider!.!.!. but in the future!!?
If you don't understand what i mean, then nevermind!.

Does anyone get what I mean here!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It certainly is possible!. Have you ever seen that episode of Futurama where Professor Farnsworth creates a box containing a parallel universe and then at the end turns the box inside out so that the box contains our own universe!? There is also a couch gag at the beginning of a Simpson's episode where the camera zooms out from the Simpsons sitting on a the couch into space and beyond the galaxy and just keeps zooming out until you realize that the entire Universe is actually a subatomic particle on Homer's forehead!. Your question just reminds me of that!. Its also possible that we exist in a computer program and that our entire universe and everything in it is part of a computer simulation sitting on top of Bill Gates' desk!. I just hope the operating system isn't Windows Vista!. This question is actually nothing new to philosophy!. Descartes asked a similar question about whether he might just be a spirit who is being tricked by some demon into thinking that there is an external world!. A twentieth century version might say that you could just be a brain sitting in a jar with electrodes attached to it being experimented on by some scientist!. Personally I've always liked the idea that our universe is wrapped up and contained within itself!.!.!.sort of like the snake eating its own tail!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

More questions would arise about the universe and those possibly parallel to it and just add to the unanswered ones we already have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well it would be very boring u knowWww@QuestionHome@Com