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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you feel about the Universe within a Universe Theory as a way for explain

Question: How do you feel about the Universe within a Universe Theory as a way for explaining everything that is!.!.!.!?
How do you feel about the Universe within a Universe Theory as a way for explainning everything that is, was, and ever will be!? Science has shown us a universe within and beyond each and every form of physical existence!. Religion comes in so many forms that offer idealistic universal goals for its followers for the life we lead and for our life after death!. I see in them simply the opportunity to exist within another universe created by mind or body or soul!. Some people like to think that we must have been created for things to be the way they are: so complicated and perfect like the molecular structure of a dimond!. In almost any instance I can see a conscious and unconscious creative force at work!. We don't always know what will come of our choices even though we can work towards a conscious outcome!. Still curious !.!.!. we know the body does not live-on without the mind, but does the mind exist without the body!? That is a universe I would like to visit!. A universe without barriers!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It takes the brain about 20 minutes to fully die after the heart stops!. When the brain is finally dead, so is the mind!. But we might have a soul (I believe we do, or rather that the soul has me, as it lives from life to life and is bigger than my mind)!.
There are some very simple meditative exercises to recall past lives!. These exercises have to be treated with a grain of salt - after all it's very easy to imagine you were Napoleon, and this is indeed the pit a lot of people fall into when doing this type of thing!. Once you do see some past lives, your perspective on the universe changes drastically!. Some yogis even practice visiting future lives!. Time is circular (or rather, spiral), don't you know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Universe is the one in which the mind of your and mine and everybody else are altogether in, dead or alive, our minds or part of them are in there!. How else are we communicating one each other during our sleep !?!?!? WE DO COMMUNICATE!. And there are still persons who communicate being awake, at a long distance by their minds!

Doing Yoga, or through prays - the monks are getting further than most of us!.

There is no barrier, you are so right!.
Everything has a time, its time!. Just think about, you'll be there someday! Mind-body-soul-Universe there are so many links, so many ways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com