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Position:Home>Philosophy> If God had DID?

Question: If God had DID!?
Dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities)!. If God had this diagnosis, and assuming that we were all just different aspects of his DID, would we be aware that we were all part of god!?

and from a christian perspective, would this be possible without contradicting the bible!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
One could argue that a diagnosis of DID is a strong argument for the concepts (1) that God is in all of us (2) all are not aware of God (akin to personalities are not necessarily aware of others) and thereby supporting many religious beliefs that “theirs” is the one true religion i!.e!. the one true god (3) supporting a Christian belief of some denominations that one must accept Jesus or come to Jesus to i!.e!. be saved implying that all are not aware of God or aware of the God within us!.

Re a Christian perspective: I’m unclear on the question!. Would what be possible without contracting the bible!? Applying a scientific diagnosis of DID to God!? Or would we be aware that we were all part of God!?

For the latter, from a Christian (bible) perspective we are all part of God i!.e!. we are his children!. That is stated throughout the bible and as we are informed of this one could argue that all are not aware and therefore there is a need to inform or i!.e!. the purpose of the bible!.

For the former, from a Christian perspective, one could argue that if one were to attempt to apply a scientific diagnosis in an attempt to define/explain God, that DID would be inaccurate as God is not “dissociative” however we (i!.e!. his children) have DID and hence need to be shown the way i!.e!. that we are part of God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In philosophy you try to unravel the confusion that can occur in thinking!. One thing that a philosopher might ask is what problem is being solved by supposing God had DID!? If there is no reason for supposing this then I would suspect that it is a fantasy!.

A scientist would want you to show a testable hypothesis that could be used to validate or falsify your idea!. But no testable hypotheses exists for something, like a God, that cannot be show, proven, or verified to exist!.

From a Christian perspective, it would be acceptable to have such a belief in some denominations but most would consider it a heresy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Truly,I believe God may have different names and different aspects to his nature!. Yet, we are poor judges knowing only our own natures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com