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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think our purpose in this life is?

Question: What do you think our purpose in this life is!?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question because we all have an opinion!. Best answer will go to the one that is most interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is sad that most people believe there is no purpose to their life!. Maybe that is why the world is full of such selfish people!.
There is definitely a purpose for each of us!. We each have our own to seek out and achieve!. We are not here to merely exist and procreate!.

The Earth is a school for our souls (spirit) to take human form and face every day challenges!. These challenges are designed to help us grow toward enlightenment!. It is our choice (free will) how we will handle each challenge and thus Karma is created with each choice!. In other words, cause and effect is born in each choice!. When one chooses selfishly, negativity and suffering is the result!. When one chooses consciously (the high road so to speak), peace is generated for all!. We are here to evolve spiritually with each choice we make!. The state of the world today is the reflection of many bad choices resulting in mass negativity!. We can change the world, one choice at a time!. Think about it!. Billions of people making positive choices resulting in peace!. Heaven or Hell on earth, which do you choose!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ultimately no purpose!. Everything will one day be less than dust, or in a black hole!. There will eventually be no evidence that any of us were ever alive!. It won't matter what you've done, or didn't do!.

But that's okay! It doesn't bother you that no one knew who you were before you were born, why should it matter what they say when you're gone, or even if anyone is aware you existed!?

We can decide our own purpose!. Something selfish or something benevolent, we can do what ever we want, and no one can really gain say us!. It's best to not upset others too much though, because right or wrong, they can stop you, or put you in jail!. It's even better if you help them in some way, because then you get to be popular or well regarded!. You might also find it satisfying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only real purpose that we have in life , is to live it !. We are all just part of nature , like the great trees , the small weeds , the whales , fish , birds , animals , bugs , etc !. We come , through birth or sprouting of seeds , we grow up , reproduce , grow old , and die - - - to make room for our offspring !.
This is the natural systematic rhythm of life !. It needs no great purpose!. The polar bear doesn't wonder what his purpose is !. The bed bug doesn't either !. If people had a purpose , it would have to assigned by someone or something !. That's getting into the supernatural , which is just superstition to me !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The real truth is here in this answer if we care to think about it!.

This moment 2008, in our human existence, humans are the cancer of this planet!. believe it or not!.
for most of us, we take and give nothing back!.
surely from the damage we cause to this earth, we are not worthy to call our selves the most intelligent creatures on this planet!.
no other living specie on the planet has the intelligence to destroy its own environment the way we do!.
so are we really that great!.
our simple living ancestors were way more evolved than we are!. on green issues!.
so the real purpose of all our lives should be to care for this planet and not treat it like we are doing now!.
perhaps one day earth will realise it has a disease called humans, and get rid of us all!.

There are lots of people that care about our world, we all need to follow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this question is one of the easiest questions to answer and yet it gets asked so much!. reproduction!. we live to reproduce!. just like every other species that walks this beautiful spinning rock!. stop looking for some extra meaning to something thats meaning is so plain and simple even a child can see it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life runs itself which has absolutely no purpose,but since things have been idealized,there might be a purpose in idea world,as for what definitely it is,it has to go to the personalityWww@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on what you wanna be!.
maybe eating as many sandwiches as you can!.
maybe to live 102 years and an hour!.
maybe to knock on heaven's door with your broom stick
maybe to ask a question in YA!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the purpose of this life is to prove that you are a life to prove that you deserve to live to work and make your self respectable in your eyes and in others eyesWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think its different for each person!. Each person has to search for meaning for themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The purpose of life is life itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
