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Position:Home>Philosophy> Define 'animal instinct'?

Question: Define 'animal instinct'!?
Human instinct!?
I think;
Everything has an instinct!.
A will to live!.
Every living creature knows what it is and how it's going
to surivive right!? (To a certain degree)
Take for example; A plant reaching for the sun!.
Or; An animal consistant behaviour; Beaver building dam to support it's environment etc!.
They are concious beings as well!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I used to think that animal instinct was merely the innate operating system for animals!. But to depart from that idea,
and accept what you are suggesting,i!.e!."every living creature knows what it is" is quite a jump!. Because that would imply creatures have "self knowledge"!.That in some way they have an "identity"or something similar!.
I have not made that jump yet!.
Lately I have been playing with the idea of the "human hive"!. That despite thinking we are individual egos encased in flesh, independent and free, we are in fact unconsciously contributing to a greater design
which is the hive!. And no individual human can perceive what it looks like or what its ultimate purpose is except as a thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Animal instinct defies logical thinking a lot or I believe emotion and the majority of things we believe humans have but animals do not!. Instinct is what makes us reject the unknown and fight things we do not know, believe it or not I got that from a game: Half-Life 2 (in the beginning there is a speaker and he talks a lot about instinct!. He said instinct coddles us and kept us warm!. But that we must fight it!.

Animal instinct is what you react with!. When someone hits you your first instinct and animal instinct is to fight back to keep yourself from dying (not that you are going to die) but if you defy that with logica and thought you can turn around and see who or what is hitting you and evaluate it and DECIDE whether to just walk away or talk etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well we all have heard that the strong will survive and being one !.!.!.!.i have to admit i am weak as well when it comes to defensless animals i get weak but i have the ability to go head on with anyone!!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. dare the fool!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Animal instinct is a name we give to the basal inbuilt functions of our minds!. I believe that as the complexity of mammals increase, more thought comes into play which can interfere or divert animal instincts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

read Lord of the Flies and you'll get the whole picture of what the animal instict isWww@QuestionHome@Com