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Question: Altruistic Joy!?
What do you find most Joy in seeing!?
As always I ask this question with Metta/Loving Kindness
(((((May all be free from Enmity)))))
Thank-you for answeringWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hello my friend!.
As you talk of altruism!?
I helped out my impoverished neighbor last Xmas by giving her a very good PC!. She is a proud woman and pays me back by doing my ironing, I charged her far less than the computer is worth, the look on her young lads face as he surfs is well worth it!.
I gave another one to a pal of mine, it is worth a lot but do I care!? He needs it more than me,
Love & light to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Compte's definition there is no "self," because his purpose was self-abnegation!.
Therefore there can be no joy of the self in altruism!.

Altruism: (Alter: other) In general, the cult of benevolence; the opposite of Egoism (q!.v!.)!. Term coined by Comte and adopted in Britain by H!. Spencer!.
"1!. For Comte Altruism meant the discipline and eradication of self-centered desire, and a life devoted to the good of others; more particularly, selfless love and devotion to Society!. In brief, it involved [ ] self-abnegat[ion]!."

Any remnant of the "self" that is left in someone who claims altruism, has not met the standards of total self-abnegation, yet!.

Egoism: http://www!.iep!.utm!.edu/e/egoism!.htmWww@QuestionHome@Com

Children playing in the park!. When I take my daughter to the park, sometimes I let my eyes zone out and I just listen to kids playing!. I don't find joy in the children or their activities (my daughter of course but thats beyond joy)!.

I experience joy from what I hear!. "Peace"
No worry, no competition, no motive, no fear!. I hear the sounds of kids simply playing together!. The simplicity and innocence of their interactions is audibly soothing!.

Is this joy alturistic or self serving!? I'm not to sure!. The kids harmony brings me joy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In times of pain, one with the medicinal grace of cure!. In times of boredom one who lifts our spirit and makes merry mirth of our woes!. In times of hunger one who offers the bread of enlightenment!.

In times of boredom one who evokes laughter and a sense of elation!. In times of poverty, one who enriches the soul and nourishes the hungered mind!.

In times of despair one who brings a strong shoulder and comfort!. In times of sufferance who sets free our mind heart and soul!. In confusion dispels and allays our fears!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happy children!.

(Your questions makes me wonder, "Can it be selfish to pursue altruistic joy!? What if I grab the penny from my little brother and put it in the kettle myself!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com


I always feel happy and content when I see children laughing and playing!. It gives me a warm feeling inside that sometimes makes me cry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People laughing and enjoying each other's company, but a happy-ending love novel/movie always melts my heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com