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Question: Jealousy, and envy!?
Is their any reason to be Jealous or envious!?
What sort of things Get you Jealous, or envious!?
What is Altruistic Joy the Opposite of These feelings!?
As always I ask this question with Metta/Loving Kindness
(((((May all Find Happiness)))))
Thankyou for answeringWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think jealousy and envy come from not having personal priotities in order!.

If something is important enough to someone that they would be jealous of others having it, then what is stopping that person from having it to!? Their frame of mind can be the only barrier!.

Im thinking of the things that people would commonly be jealous of, care free existances, love, happiness, fast cars maybe, money, big houses, , !. Well, everything on this list is achievable to everyone if they live with the right intentions!.!.!. maybe I am being too simplistic with this, but whatever it is, if one person can have it, so can anyone else that tries, because generally, we all have the same abilities!.

I think that any subject that can create jealousy in a person holds some attachment to a percieved increased in their personal happiness!. But whether these things do actually bring happiness is another matter!

Taking this back to that good old phrase of the grass being greener on the other side, perhaps jealousy is another indicator that the persons situation is not how it should be!. To them anyway!. A level of jealousy will make people strive to find what is right for them!.

The only thing that I find myself somewhat jealous of, is the ability to remain stable in every situation, I have seen it occasionally in the people I meet, they seem to have a real confidence that isnt created by them but instead IS them!. It is like a strength of self!. If you know what I mean!.!.!. and the reason that it makes me jealous is because I know I can have that too, but I cant have it just yet!. One day I will get there ! I am sure!


Selflessness must be congenital!.
If you're jealous of some people but suppress your feelings and show kindness to them, One day you're gonna implode and vanish into darkness OR explode and send the world into darkness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jealous is envy!.

But I believe being envious is that having a strong disbelief on someone or something!. Envious is evil!. (My opinion)Www@QuestionHome@Com

of course there is, you live your life and not interfere with othersWww@QuestionHome@Com