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Position:Home>Philosophy> Prove that the entire universe wasnt created ten seconds ago with built in, manu

Question: Prove that the entire universe wasnt created ten seconds ago with built in, manufactured memory and history!?
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good question,

i did lots of sport this morning and my whole body is aching , if the universe was built ten seconds ago with memories i would just remember doing the sport and NOT feel the pain in my body!.

secondly , the word BUILT IN cant be true , we humans might build a house or invent electricity but things happening around us ( in universe ) cant be made , they are just different reactions and actions as the time goes by they keep changing, for us , we keep the changes in our memories !.

i just tried to be as creative as you after all !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are two ways I can answer this!. The first is based on pure a priori philosophy!. The second is based on philosophy of physics!. There are too many unstated and unsupported premises (such as a particular rare conception of quantum presentism) in my second answer to allow me to rely solely on it, so I am providing both, just in case my second answer is wrong!.

1) I cannot prove this to the asker of the question!. A question presuposes a certain degree of proof required!. In this case, the question is posed to presuppose a view similar to solipsism and asks a potential answerer to prove the existence of history!. The most natural explanation of the world is that it didn't just spring into existence!. Indeed EVERY piece of evidence you've ever seen suggests that the premise of this question should be rejected!. However, just because the premise should be rejected doesn't mean that I can actually prove it's wrong!.

2) Quantum mechanics includes a theory known as consistent histories!. If you were to examine the present state of the world, there is a singular unique past that necessarily came before it!. There are many possible futures, but only one past!. Presentism is the view in philosophy that the present moment is the only one that exists!. In quantum presentism, which I developed in my undergraduate thesis, the past exists as something built up necessarily out of the present!. There is a unique thing we can point to and say "that is the past" and we know it must be so because of the state of the present!. The past need not exist independent of the present, the existence of the present guarantees a unique past!. Thus, when you suggest that the world just sprang into existence, the very existence of the current moment in the universe comes with a past!. Even if the universe just sprang up, it did so with a past that is just as real as it would be on a more conventional view!.
(of course if you are an eternalist, this question gets hairier, as it does if you postulate a cartesian evil deciver who makes us think that quantum mechanics is correct when it really isn't)Www@QuestionHome@Com

because it's been more than ten seconds since i read your questions!.
if you truly exist, then the ten seconds used for creating you and the rest of the world would have already lapsed!.
so, you may have been created ten seconds ago, along with your whole memory, but not me!.
It's been more than ten seconds!.
man, you're a few seconds older than me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like Slartibartfarst's paint is still drying on the fjords!?

it is a waste of time looking for proof of negatives and would take scientists away from trying to save the planet!.

Douglas Adams would like that thought though how a universe died because they were trying to find the meaning of 'not life'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They sure did an awful complicated job!. How do we know that the creator of the universe wasn't created eleven seconds ago, and maybe, being Santa, he's senile and doesn't remember it!?

And anyway, who created SANTA!?!?!? Was it his anagram, or the old friend chicken!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, scientifically we cannot disprove anything, nor do we attempt to, i!.e!. we can't prove that something "wasn't" created, but we can attempt to prove that it was created and attempt to discover when!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very imaginative question- very Matrixlike!. Using the term 'manufactured' makes the scenario plausible!.

But the dynamics of order and chaos at work on every level over all time seems like it'd take a computer larger than this planet could house!. That would just be wierd ; )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Watch Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner"

You will like it if you are asking this question!. Your Question reminds me of the movie!. You will have to watch it a few times to really appreciate it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It couldn't have been, because the entire universe is not completely created yet!. See, it is still being created!. There you go again!. (And so on and so forth!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't prove it, but we have many scientists who can prove the age of life by their studies of rock, water, archeology, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simple answer "carbon dating"!. You must be very young, work hard on your education!. Interesting question however!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, first you prove that you aren't a complete d*mb*ss!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You prove that it was!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What universe!?


(check and mate!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

what pardon whateva i wrote these word ten seconds ago so they must of had a meaning before i wrote themWww@QuestionHome@Com