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Position:Home>Philosophy> What if we chose to come to earth?

Question: What if we chose to come to earth!?
maybe god or whoever, said you could pick your parents, what race you could be, what age you wanted to be born into, what lessons you wanted to learn, what if it was all a choice and we just forgot!?

What if before coming here, we were excited about the prospect of living on earth!. Like when people say "life is hard!?" where do we get that from!? You know I just wonder!. Sorry, just having some wacky thoughts at 2:44am!. :-PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My youngest son started talking in complete sentences at a very early age!.

It was quite a novelty and adults were intrigued and surprised by his ability to communicate!. Even his doctors!.

Early on he began telling us about the place he was at before he came to be in our family!. At first I thought that he was just making up stories, but I listened just the same!. Then one evening before bed he said something that really made me wonder!. He told me about something that had happened to him before he was born into our family!.

I asked him when this had happened and he said it happened when I was a man like you dad!. He went on to say not as old as you are now, I was a lot older!. My hair was white and my skin was wrinkly!.

This was too much!. I was sure that he was making it up!.

I began to try to get him to make up a story for me but he seemed unable to understand what I was asking him to do!. After several tries I realized that although he was fully capable of relating something that had actually happened to him he was not at all able to make up a story and tell it in a coherent lineal manner that made sense!.

He had by this time made several references to the place where the babies where before they are born and about the time he came to see his mother and I before he was born to see if we were the ones he wanted to have for his parents!.

He got none of these ideas from my wife or I because these are not ideas we believed in or had ever heard about!.

Only later did I do research and find other references to the things that he was telling us!.

He is 14 now and can still remember telling us about these things but he says that most but not all of the actual memories of what he was describing have faded!.

I'm not sure what to make of this and I am not trying to lie to you or convert you to believe anything!. It just happened!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I thought about that too!. The thing is, maybe we didn't know when we picked that it was going to be this hard!. Or maybe we didn't care because we could see that even though it has its hard times, it also has its good times, which made it seem worth it!.

Or maybe our selection was limited, so we couldn't pick something really good!. Maybe the people who are seemingly living really good lives aren't real at all, and are just part of the illusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question!

I think every person may have thought that possibilities of choice given to anyone!. We think of something that is better life than we have!. We wanted something new that could no longer happen to us and think other things that could possibly happen otherwise!. That;s the beauty of our mind that it doesn't stop from imagining good things and doubts have confronted us to question!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its not nearly as crazy an idea as I have heard before!.
What if we did!? Then I guess that would mean we had agreed to our lives being the way they are, and we should just relax and enjoy the ride!.
For me, if it were true, it would take a lot of the pressure off of me, because I've already agreed to what's going to happen and how much pain I could bear!. I'd like to think I wouldn't completely screw myself over!.

I've often thought about whether everyone gets to choose, or just some people!. Or maybe some people choose an absolutely random existence!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we came here at complete random, but when we die, we are reborn into a new family!. I occasionally try to remind myself to enjoy life, in case I get reincarnated somewhere terrible!.

What I don't get about God, is that he never calls us to say hello, or stops by for a visit!. He just keeps us in the dark, like all of his fabulous secrets!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we did not remember, it would be just as good as if we didn't make those choices!. What good are choices if we forget what we were suppose to do with them!?

Since there is always uncertainty about the future!. Those plans ahead and those choices we made could have been poor ones due to circumstances!.

We just make as many choices as we could -- pre-life or in life, and the rest is up to the other laws of the universe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you make a choice but don't know that it IS a choice and are not aware of the potential consequences, then its not really a (free) choice is it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol i get thoughts like that at night!.
except here on the east coast, it's 5:45am :P
i get even wackier thoughts right around this time!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why bother abt this, just enjoy what you are right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I doubt people choose to be murdered or tortured, or raped/abused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com