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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is it that every man that FOUGHT IN A WAR and saw his comrades being killed.

Question: Why is it that every man that FOUGHT IN A WAR and saw his comrades being killed!.!.!.!.!?
!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.usually avoids talking about it because he feels disgusted with the senseless horrors and death that he witnessed!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My father avoided talking about it because he lived in fear - once back in civilian life!. I can only imagine that he had post traumatic stress disorder and that reliving any of the war was a trigger for him!. He had nightmares all of his life!.

Yes I think he was disgusted with himself as well as others!.

Pat Barkers trilogy the ghost road looks at the damaged psyches of those who were in the first world war and the incompatibility of experience of war and home!.

This fits for my father who was a poetic soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

John Wayne said it best: "War is hell"

The main reason Vetrans don't talk about it is because words fail to convey what is emotional in nature!. It's a gestalt!.

My son2of3 for example, just returned from 5th combat tour!. I asked why he doesn't take pictures!. He said one could take a picture of the guys lined up for the shower but a picture would never be able to convey how wonderful it felt!. And of course a few hours later it's like you never had one!.

What men experience in war is intensely personal, it is for them alone!. They can not tell you!. That's why they don't talk about it!.

also, it's none of our business!. For example, I have never asked and never will ask how many people my son killed!. It's none of my business!. If ever he wants me to know he will tell me!. He probably won't!. My opinion is that anyone wearing the uniform of the United States of America, when deployed, whatever they need to do is fine by me because it's honorable!.

This is not circular logic!. The U!.S!. military is the most civilized in history!. War is ugly and sometimes mistakes are made!. But their intent and methods are honorable!.

And just in case you're a commie-lib, I served under Carter during the cold war!. Made Las Vegas safe for democracy :-) he he he
Air Force cop!. To paraphrase ObiWan, it was a more civilized time!.

The Force is with son2of3, he was always on the other side of the car when the bomb went off!. son3of3 is only 22 and new to the 82nd Airborne!. May God be with him, strange days are coming!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your assumption is incorrect, I have met many who, are looking for someone to talk with!. The problem is how many would even be able to understand!. To validated this visit any V!.F!.W!., you will hear conversation there, or better yet, any VA hospital!. What is senseless, are those that praise, and take pride in a person that straps a bomb around their bodies, and kill, and injure innocent people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You answered your own question!. I do disagree that all war was senseless!. I am 72, and I believe that WW2 was necessary due to the ambition and insanity of Hitler!. We would have been under his rule, otherwise!. As to all the other wars, based on our knowledge, they seemed stupid and a terrible waste of life and money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because war is ugly and futile and these men are the people who have witnessed this first hand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because war is so horrible he doesn't want to talk about it -- it makes him feel icky!.Www@QuestionHome@Com