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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you think the universe was created?

Question: How do you think the universe was created!?
I just do not understand how the universe could of been made!.!.!. its like a never ending cycle!. Something had to create the universe, and something had to create that something that made the universe lol!.!.!. its a never ending cycle!. How can something just be created without somethign else creating it!. Some say its been there forever but how can something be there forever!? I just can't get over this lol!.!.!. None of this probably made sense by the way sorry its late and i am just rambling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I understood that perfectly!. If God created it, who created God!? Then, who created the one that created God!? I also think a lot about where does the universe end!? Doesn't everything have to end!? If it ends then what is after that!? Then if something is after that, where does that end!? It is enough to drive a person insane, so whenever I really think of these provoking questions I have to stop!. This means I never come up with a good answer!. Here is something else that I have thought about since the first answer mentions God!. How come everything depicts God as a human from today's era!? The bible says that God created man from his own image!. Doesn't that mean that God looks like the very first, very primative human beings or a dinosaur or a little glob of some crazy species at the bottom of the water!? After all, we do have scientific evidence that proves we were not here first as you see us today!. And about the energy comment, energy can't be created or destroyed!. How can that be!?!!! Were did the first tiniest bit of energy come from!? And, the other comment about a black hole!.!.!.where did the black hole come from in the first place!? There can't just be space; even space is something!. Now I am too confused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I think that, nothing created the universe it has always existed! but in different forms, like before the big bang it was a singularity, and before that who knows, it had probably collapsed back in itself after a previous expansion! I know it's hard to grasp the idea of something just existing forever but the universe exists, it's the way it always has been, the universe can't come out of nothing it can't be created out of nothing, because "nothing" doesn't exist! The universe actually existing is the default mode of existence!. also energy can't be created nor destroyed only converted!. Creating universe where there was nothing there to create it with, would violate this!.

Try this: Try imagining complete "nothingness" You'll probably imagine an empty space and an empty space is something!, who made that empty space!? No one!. It just is!.
Again something actually existing is the default mode of existence!. Existence can't come out of nothing, I think the universe is eternal!.

The universe doesn't need to be created by a God!. Because the universe itself is eternal!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i have my own thoery but its my own there is no real evidenc backing it up!.
Well something had to alwatys be there, and the only eternal thing that we know of is!.!.(not god) ENERGY!
Bow unbalanced energy can create small objects of matter, but not a lot!. What unblalanced doe screate is unblanced GRAVITY
If unbalanced gravity gos crazy it creates black holes!.

Another thoery is that if a bunch of small objects enter a black hole the force and tensions become so strong that they explod e leaving a small chunk of mattter all together,

Therfore his process could take billions of years but eventually a single peice of matter can grow through black holes, and if an object is extremly big that the explosions caused by the black hole leads to a spernova explosion which we know as the big bangWww@QuestionHome@Com

God created the universe fo a relationship with us, he wanted someone to love and someone to love him, just like any human on the earth wants someone to love!. To find out more go to Genesis Chapter 1 in the Holy Bible and read about it!. Here is a website with an online bible linked directly to Genesis 1!.!. http://www!.biblegateway!.com/passage/!?sea!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is defined as beyond material universe, eternally existing!.

This tautologically gets around the universal cause and effect knowing, that logically absolutely nothing comes of absolutely nothing!.

Some Thing has Always Been!. It is marvelously balanced, in this universe, to one part in billions, along several parameters!. Thus, whichever, God or Matter, is very precisely balanced!.!.!.but Matter is known to decay, hence "an eternally existent God" is the best choice!.!.!.!.

"The Masters and the Spiritual Path," Mark Prophet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with your logic; the universe has to have been created by someone so my answer (like others) is God and I agree that it is mind boggling if one starts to ask questions like 'who made God!?' but I believe that that's a question beyond our human understanding- something unfathomable!. It's hard for us to grasp the concept that God has always been and the concept of forever-ness or eternity because we're caught up in the realm of time so we can only think within that square!.

It's a bit like the way we imagine aliens (I don't believe they exist but just for the sake of discussion)!. Aliens are always pictured as having a body similar to that of our own i!.e!. eyes, mouth, hands, fingers etc!. (which is what human beings have) whereas, if they did exist, they could look totally different to anything we have ever seen!. We can only relate to unknowns by linking them with what we know!. I think I just went off the topic but this was just to illustrate my point!.
I guess it's a question of faith!. If you believe in God then you just have to believe in Him and accept that He has always been there!.
This sounds a bit confusing but still, hope it helps!. All the best!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The bible!? That's how most people here answer!.
They say the bible is what!? A divine document written by men who have experienced or heard about the work of Jesus/God, but men are full of flaws, so couldn't this "divine document" also be full of flaws!?
God did not create the universe!.
And sorry for wasting your time, but I don't know the answer to your question, nor does any other living thing on our planet!.

I know what you mean!!! Where did it all come from!? And I believe in God too, but like, what was it just, poof, one day He's there!? lol Dude, this is a cool question!. It's just like, "whuch came first, the chicken or the egg!?"
I don't believe in any of that science crap!. I mean, if we evolved from monkeys, then where did monkeys come from, and why are they still here!?
Dude, this whole thing opens up the timeless "Science vs!. Religion" conflict!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please tell me all these "God" answers are tongue-in-cheek!. Clearly, the Universe was created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster!. If you don't believe me, check out the website!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nothing created us!. you are matter!. the matter that composes you never didn't exist and the matter that you consume and excrete didn't ever not exist!. sam thing with the universe!. that is my theory!.!.!. e-mail me for more info!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree!. a never ending cycle!. like it couldn't be god because he created dinosaurs first!. or how was god, god!? did he get bored and created other humans!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are right!. In 45,000 yrs from now scientists will be trying to answer the same questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was God, it's all in the bible!.
And God was just there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No idea,if I had then I was the wisest person on earth,who can answer this,thank you and have a nice day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont over think it, it was God!. end of story!. plain and simple answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

BIG BANGWww@QuestionHome@Com

big bang theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe an Alien created the Universe but then you would have to ask well who created the Alien!. I have thought the way you are thinking and my only theory is well we are here, aren't we!? and the idea would have to be that if it was some unfathomable natural phenomena (like "Nature" and Physics or whatever) that got things moving well you could look on that as miraculous!. OR if an unfathomable Almighty Power (God!?) got things moving along then to me that is equally miraculous - actually even less so as a form of intelligence is easier to contemplate in all the beauty we see and that a species like us can wonder about such things and draw conclusions whether religious or otherwise!. I think you have to look at energy like natural things like plant life, animals, fish - whatever - thrive on energy taken from the environment - like what is eaten/absorbed whatever is necessary for life!. It would be fascinating to go right back in time and check out what was there (if anything!?)!. Doesn't it say in the Bible that before the heavens where created there was a void and a darkness well maybe that means there was absolutely nothing and some force completely beyond our range of knowledge was just there in some weird dimension that was spiritual and decided to create a dominion beyond the spiritual and something concrete!. Now the way we are with brains to contemplate all of the possibilities well we are maybe not programmed to contemplate a nothingness and cannot leap the divide between concrete things and an absolute zero and that we will never get to answering properly a question like this and any beings on other planets in the entire universe might be stuck with the same ideas as we are!. I know what you mean though like if you talk about gases and stuff getting together to make hydrogen, oxygen and stuff and everything whirling around and wow suddenly a universe then yes well how did those gases get there in the first place and elements and stuff!?!?!? Actually a Creator makes more sense to me than just a jumbled accident of "Nature"!. See I rambled too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com