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Position:Home>Philosophy> I drew a random pattern/shape/image without realizing until it was done basicall

Question: I drew a random pattern/shape/image without realizing until it was done basically, what does this mean!?
I was having a conversation with someone and I drew a random pattern/image/shape kind of turned out to look like a scary haunted house!? The pattern is of triangles and soem other stuff!. I was in a deep conversation and did not realize what I was doign until we ended the convo!. Do you think that may resemble something in my subconcious mind!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is definitely something from your subconscious mind, but that doesn't mean it has a meaning that you can comprehend!. It could be something totally unrelated to the person you were speaking to, or the situation you were in!. The mind is so complex, most of our understanding of it is just theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't use any labels to describe yourself!. Only you can answer this question as it is your subconscious or a different aspect of your mind trying to express something!. My suggestion is to spend preferably a week, though a day may be sufficient, alone in a secluded, peaceful and quiet place!. Think about things, anything, but don't be distracted by things like TV!. Turn them off!. My favorite place is an isolated natural environment!. This works for me!. Maybe you could benefit from trying this too!. Cheers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you're Gothic but yeah if you drew it without noticing!.!. it's your subconscious at work!.

I remember teaching my little sister how to write nicely, so I was just writing random letters & reading them out to her!. Before I knew it, I had spelled the name of my crush & I was shocked :)Www@QuestionHome@Com