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Position:Home>Philosophy> When was the last time in ur life....?

Question: When was the last time in ur life!.!.!.!.!?
1!. when u really SMILED frm heart-

2!.when u had tears in ur eyes (sorry to remind u abt sadness )-

thnx for answering!.!.!.keep smiling!.!.!. :) :):)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love those little green men from Toy Story!. I even bought a "Bucket 'O Little Green Men"!. My husband thought I was crazy but laughed anyways!. When my husband would go on trips I'd hide one or two in his luggage!.
Well a little while ago he had to go away and would miss my birthday!. I started missing him the minute he left!. I went to take a shower and behind the shampoo was a little green man!. For the rest of the day I was finding little green men in the cutlery drawer, pantry, car, my purse, etc!.
I still grin like crazy when I think of it!. Forget flowers!. This was 100% better any day!

When my mom and I had left the hospital while dad was fighting Hodgkins and non- Hodgkins lymphoma!. We were told to go home as he was sleeping and was doing O!.K!.
We received a call 20 minutes later, saying it was over!.
My mom curled up on the floor crying out his name!.
She kept on saying she was cold, so cold!. She started apologizing saying that she was selfish!. They'd had 45 wonderful years and she couldn't help wanting more!.
The tears are always in my eyes when I think of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always smile with my hole heart really and that to loudly because in my office we have mass persons how entertain us with jocks!.Secondly i got tears when i was separated with my parents 10years ago i felt like now there is no one in my life with whom i can share my feeling because at that time my relation was not so good with my wife(it is a very big story)but today i am happy and no regrets because i am little bit far from my parents but love and affection is more and with my wife ho good now see takes lot of care about me!.When i remember those days i start crying and my wife say me not to remember those days!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. When i smiled from Heart:!.!.I saw the poor boys eating some nice dishes and that made me smile from my heart!.!. :)!.!.!.i love when i watch the poor fellows eating something!.!.!.!.its a great moment for me!.!. :)

2!. Tears in my eyes!.!.!.!.it were when those foolish people around the street were making fun of handicapped people!.!.!.!.i had tears in my eyes and at the same time i thought to give each of them great blows so that they never dare to do that for second time in their life!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Smiled and laughed few moments back,when I was speaking to my sweet daughter!.
Cried When my father died on 13th February this year!.My heat was also crying and eyes were full of tears,and his memorries still alive in my heart!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?thank you and have a nice day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.when i heard my little sister's voice in the phone,i felt she is very cute!.when she stsrted talking ,i really smiled from heart!.

2!.when my mom and my sister bid me a good bye b4 going 2 rajasthan,i felt very sad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

really smiled - when i saw my copy my grand theft auto 4 3 days early, Lol i know thats nt what u were expecting but yh!.

cryed - i carnt cry, no really i carnt iv tryed lol, i carnt do it, even when im cutting onions!. i think im dead inside lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. i felt over-whelmed with cheer!.!.!. when someone absolutely unknown!.!.!. sent me a message that he / she found my profile on an Internet social site as one of the best!.!.!.

2!. a strong person like me cried when my sister got married and was bidding us goodbye!.!.!. (vidaai in Hindi)!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Looking at the girl I love
2!. Got back from a bowling field trip in school and our bus driver was big and then these guys behind me yelled "He's not fat!!" I looked at the bus driver and he looked pretty sad!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Today!. It was awesome :-)
2!. also today!.!.!.!. yeah, it's that time of month!.

Lol jk!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. When I met XXX on April 24 of this year!.

2!. The minute I read this question!. You reminded me of my friend who is not talking to me since March 31!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. i can't remember
2!. roughly a week ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The day I saw my boyfriend walk out of the airport in his army uniform!.

The day he had to leave!.!.!. right after Christmas!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

-when i met my husb after a month
-when I had to leave my parents after staying with her for a month after marriage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


1!. when i met my niece after a long time!.
2!. when i had to go to hostel leaving my parents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


it was yesterday it was all goodWww@QuestionHome@Com