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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is harder: to start something, or to bring something to an end?

Question: What is harder: to start something, or to bring something to an end!?
To start, and also to end things in life, as we move along!.
There are many things for this: work, study, relations, habits, practices, associations, affiliations, youth, friendship, thoughts, obsessions and the enduring nature of our emotions!.

I think how far we go into life mostly depends upon the number and the quality of our decisions, and then, upon our ability to stick to our decisions and not to turn back on them later!.

Do things ever come to an end!?

Thanks for answering you have been very kind!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It all boils down to personality style!.
Some of us are natural starters!. Always on the go, excitable of new ideas, natural leaders, Jan Luc Picard captain of the neterprise type!. These ar epeople who will forge forwards with a vision or quest!.

Some of us are natural followers, harvesters so to speak, and will bring closure to any endeavor by milking it dry and leave!.

I think I am a natural starter, so bringing closure will take me forever or not at all!. Therefore I hoard memories, keep people close, and bring emotional baggage along the path of life!.

Some of us let go of memories, best typified by Tom Cruise in the tossing of the dogtags of his best friend to the ocean in the movie "Top Gun"!.

Do things really come to an end!?
I dont think so!. Life is a fabric, and sometime it gets tattered by our sorrows and battles, yet we wear it around us, tears and shred and all, like a shroud, a coat of many colors, some happy and some sad!. It is our life!.

I dont think so!.


Great question!.

I'm going to take your last one: 'do things ever come to an end!?'

I'd be obliged to say no, they don't because I believe you are continually affected by your past whether good or bad!. Our past makes us who we are!. If you have come through something bad by your own strength, does it not make you a different person to who you were before and who you continue to be!?

Your question of what is harder, starting something or bringing something to an end, is subjective!. If the thing we are wanting to start is appealing, it is normally easy to start and if the thing we are wanting to bring to an end is difficult or unappealing, it is normally easy to finish and vice versa!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

“It’s the ‘start’ that
‘stops’ most people!.” -proverb!.

i also do think of something like this and had came out with, don't know if this will help or not, but

"to begin is harder than to maintain"

and it somehow could work!. as you view the change as something that's continued on from your current life, just that in different ways, and to "start" are more likely to put self in some other place which make a person fear more out of unfamiliarity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe myself that ending things is harder!. This goes for:
- Relations as it is difficult to end relationships, especially if it is serious!.
- Habits, such as smoking and!.!.!. i dunno!.!.!. nose picking lol
- Youth is soo hard to end!. I am 15 and I know i shoudl grow up one day but i really dont want to!. I already know too much about the world as it is and I jsut want to be a little kid again!.
- Obsession
Bad emotions are difficult to end on their own, as you need cheering up or just to forget about things that are getting you down!. But good emotions end pretty easily!. Just by thingking about something bad, you can end happiness and create depression!.

So yes, ending things in my opinion is harder than starting them!. xxxxxWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's a difficult one and I say would depend on the kind of person you are!.

Starting relationships, for example, would be difficult for someone with self esteem issues!.

Starting a business for someone worried about the consequences, would also be difficult!.

Yet ending bullying, or abuse is also very difficult!.

As would be ending your own life - except if you were suicidal in which it might be very easy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think bringing something to an end is actually harder than starting something new!. When you start something new, its a bit kinda scary but also exciting too!. But when you bring something to an end, or something does come to an end, it is mostly sad and makes you feel a bit restless, as well as changing your stability!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

??What is harder: to start something, or to bring something to an end!? ??

That's easy to solve!. Drive around and look at all the cars on blocks in people's garages!. Are there a lot of vintage cars that would look great if they could JUST GET OFF THEIR ARSES AND FINISH THEM!? You betcha!.!.!.!.a lot more than you actually see on the road!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

do things ever come to an end!? yes, they do, but all these ends are new beginnings!. there is no question that does not have answer (given long enough to search for it), but every answer entails more questions in turn!. every ending is a start, and every start ends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hey there it's different in different situations!.

If you have to do something you don't like then starting it would be really difficult!.

Whereas for things that you really like, ending it would be really difficult!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Closure usually has to be asked for!.
whereas you can start anything at anytime
having the courage of your convictions means you stay with your decisions regardless how long it takesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Both are difficult!. A person acts against the inertia of events every time they attempt to be proactive!. Sometimes the sheer mass of events is more than enough to sweep our efforts away and things come to end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Odd question!. I wonder what is driving this!?

The simple answer is that you can always walk away from anything, provided it doesn't affect others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Once there is something,there wouldn't be an end!.everything is the running of materials!.both of them are as hard as each other to humansWww@QuestionHome@Com

for me its ending things!. it never really comes to an end, but that one time you have to let it go, its so hard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bad thingz easy to start hard to end

good thigz hard to start !.!.easy to end!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

for me the hard part is to end!.!.!.

and if you want to keep everyone happy at the end, its impossible!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi there, nice to have you back well me back I'll explain later,,,I think for me I can start a million things but it's harder for me to finish what I start

do things ever come to an end!? of course some things do, but then it's time for are next venture to evolve as humans and work out Gods plan for us,
I'm a procrastinator and I hate that about my self, I mean well and have more idea's than hours in the day and I should have learned by now to keep my mouth shut until I knew it was something I could finish

what's that in the bible:: the road to hell is paved with good intentions,,,that's me,,,,

happy weekend everyone, I've never come so close to death before I'm still a little freaked out

whoever thinks it's funny to drug someone with GHB should be shot on the spot!
I'm sorry I'm emotional I would have been buried in my favorite dress today, and it's over whelming to be sitting here, sorry had to get that outWww@QuestionHome@Com