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Position:Home>Philosophy> Ever had a lost purse or wallet returned with the money still in it?

Question: Ever had a lost purse or wallet returned with the money still in it!?
I ask because it happened to me!. Is this rare!? I lost my wallet with $100 in it!. It was in the mountains!. A year later a strager brought it to my door!. All the money was there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What a wonderful story!.
I accidentally kicked my purse out of the car in a restaurant parking lot some years ago!. I was freaking out because it had *everything* in it ~ my photo id with both my and my parents addresses on it (I had just moved out of their house), and sets of keys to both of our homes and all of our vehicles ~ Ack!!

So I alert the folks and we're all getting ready to spend some BUCKS on new locks, etc!., when my friend who worked at the restaurant got home the next day with my purse ~ completely intact!. Someone picked it up in the parking lot and turned it in to the restaurant :-)

I had gone into the restaurant when it was discovered missing, but only asked at the entrance area ~ the person that turned it in had gone straight into the bar!.

Oh! Happy day!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I 4 1 hav never lost a wallet or purse so therefore i can't have 1 returned 2 me w/ money in it!.My friend's brother returned a bag of cash that had at least 300 dollars in it though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow!.!.!.!.!.a year later!? That is rare!. I have lost my wallet twice in my life and both times it was mailed back to me without the money in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pretty rare! a year later wow! thats one determined, honest person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow! Thats all i can say

yes it is extremely rare!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes and in all places downtown san diego back in old 87Www@QuestionHome@Com