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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you communicate with your pain?

Question: Can you communicate with your pain!?
!.!.!. for example with your hurts, grievances or sorrows, believing that there could be some sensible message in there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Like most people I suspect, we have all experienced pain at some time in our past, be it physical or mental anguish of the heart and mind!. As for the physical it can to some degree be controlled successfully simply by mind over matter, though it does take some time to master the art!. As for the pain of heart and mind it can effect peoples differently, some can overcome their anguish fairly quickly and get on with life, whilst others find it can take years to come to terms with the fact!. People have different ways of dealing with hurt, some get drunk and hope that it will go away, but of course it only results in a hangover , a dent in your wallet and the problem remains!. Others turn to religion for an answer or try to discover a hidden meaning or lesson to be learned from their personal suffering!. As for myself I've been there done that over many years of coming into contact with people undergoing varying levels of stress and torment!. I too have had to endure both physical and mental heartache on many occasion's!. Attending tragic incident's, loss of loved ones, divorce, and eight months ago the sudden death of my dear wife of thirty years on our wedding anniversary!. How does one cope with such heartache and pain!? I have no definitive answer, only that each and every one of us has to reach deep down inside ourselves and find their inner strength and literally drag themselves up by their boot straps!. Not easy I know believe me, but I find that remembering the good times and striving to make others lives more bearable, goes some way to easing the pain held inside, though it never leaves you!. It just seems to sit somewhere in ones sola plexsus until one event or another triggers it, and then the feelings flood back into ones heart and mind!. I think it's ones character and inner strength that determine's how one deals with it!. Anyone that is suffering heartache and loss should seek help in dealing with it, there is help out there!. God bless you and yours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything have both positive and negative aspects and that includes pain!. Pain is a bittersweet experience, it is bitter at first, it leaves you numb, you dont want to care because it hurts the more you think about it; you just want to forget about it!. But it becomes sweet, as the pain passes life like nothing happened, it leaves a valuable message, an advice to brighten up your life!. 'Never make the same mistake again', etc!.

We learn something from our pain, mostly about what caused it, yes, there are some sensible messages in there!. All you have to do is try to find it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, when i have pain, generaly , i often blame myself for it, but when i do not have explantion for my pain, i would just start wandering and try to figure out !.!.!.and ask myself-- "what could G*d's message be behind my pain!?!?!?!?!?!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

pain is part of the truth!.!.!.and the key to pleasure since it helps you explore your weakness and feel the joy of overcoming your disappointment!.

good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

I try to look on all experiences, good or bad or indifferent as being lessons and I then seek to leave them behind , sometimes I suceedWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is always something to be learnt from emotional pain we do it mainly subconsciously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is a message!.!.!.it sais "HELP ME IM IN PAIN" or " STOP DOING WHATEVER THE HELL YOU DOIN!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes,to know the reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes with my belief in GodWww@QuestionHome@Com