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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you had all the happiness of the world to administer, would you be happy your

Question: If you had all the happiness of the world to administer, would you be happy yourself!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If i was happy would I be accused of embezzlement!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Emotions are infinite in feeling!. Essentially everyone can be totally happy!. All they need is the correct chemical balance and the proper release of the correct amino neuro peptides!. Given that anything that lasts too long you become habituated to and thereby it loses it's affect - being happy all of the time would simply make happiness the new boredom!. But rotating between expectation, excitement, and happiness from a new success or situation - is the way to lasting joy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


(ANS) WHAT A VERY ODD QUESTION!?!? I think this is a very odd question because I don't think you fully appreciate the true nature of happiness!.

**Human happiness doesn't work in the way you seem to assume!.

**Happiness is not something that can be gathered into one place or point in time!. Happiness is nothing more than a human condition or state of being!. Happiness by its very nature is present only in each passing moment, happiness is thus more too do with a process of letting go not holding on!.

**Happiness is NOT a commodity or substance that can be administered in any way what so ever in my opinion!.

**If I experience happiness in my life I accept its presence and I also accept its passing!. That is the nature of happiness, happiness is ethereal, happiness is transitory there is no such thing as permanent happiness (permanent happiness only exists in stories or fairy tales)!.

Kind Regards IvanWww@QuestionHome@Com

Happiness isn't a magic force!. It's a chemical in your brain!. If you could collect it and redistribute it, I'm sure that I would redistribute it as the human body naturally does!. Otherwise I would cause mental imbalances!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just my observation, I am happy when I am able to bring happiness to other people's life!. I suspect it is the same for most people -- at lease the normal ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably not, I expect i would give it all away and leave none for myself
fool that i am :0)Www@QuestionHome@Com

no i would need someone else to give me the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com