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Position:Home>Philosophy> How would you identify ego?

Question: How would you identify ego!?
There could be noticeable examples of a behaviour, for instance!.

Thanks for your thoughts, you have been kind!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Freud defined it as the "executive" of the conscious mind!. As any executive of a corporation must act in the best interests of his company without acting unethically, the ego must act in the best interests of the individual without letting the pendulum swing too far to the id, or to the superego!.

When it does not act rationally, i!.e!., in the best interests of the individual, it may become self-destructive, which Compte defined as his ideal of "altruism!." http://www!.ditext!.com/runes/a!.html
"Altruism is the opposite of egoism!."

There is a difference between egoTism, and egoIsm!. EgoTism describes an irrational ego!. EgoIsm describes a rational ego!.

A man without an ego is a literal "movie zombie!." But that was what Compte wanted: self-abnegation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


(ANS) The concept of "the ego" is that it is a structure that exists within the human psyche but it remains very mysterious!. Why!? because the ego is an abstract idea or concept and you cannot see it, cannot touch it, etc yet we think the ego does exist!.

**The ego exists by inference only, we see the results of the ego through a persons behavior!. For example:- if a person is very selfish or self centered we might say they are rather egotistical or ego-centric!.

**The ego is what is termed the self, or ego self image!

**The ego is often what drives our needs & wants & desires!.

**The ego is what makes each one of us a unique individual person, the ego is how we express our essential self!. It is through the ego that we get some sense of who we are as a personality different from others!.

**The kind of person you are at core, your essential self is held in your ego!. We are all born with the potential ego and the ego develops over time as the child grows up!. As your parents act as mirrors to your ego, the ego grows through love & nurturing & through social interaction too!.

**The super ego is often confused with what people talk of as the soul or spirit!. I don't personally believe in god or a soul or a spirit but I definitely do believe in the awesome power the the ego & super ego!.

Kind Regards IvanWww@QuestionHome@Com

When a person has attached importance to their own thoughts, words and deeds, the feeling of well being they derive is rooted in their ego!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see an ego as being something we cannot get rid of, it has to either be destroyed by someone else, or we can suppress it/hide it, but we can't destroy our own egos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ego is over confidence without any humility!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The ego seeks relationships!. It becomes restless if it is left alone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An ego to me personally is ignorance of intelligence!. If that makes any sense at all outside my head!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ego is what you need!.!.period!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the one who justify your action!.Www@QuestionHome@Com