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Question: People = Trees!? LoLOLOlOlOLoLoLoOLoLooLOloLoLl!.!.!.
You know, I have this fascination with the blooming of flowers!.!.!.
I gotta say, there is neither a more beautiful or accurate metaphor for people and relations!.
A little nourishment and people bloom!
When you get to know someone!.!.
You sprinkle a little bit of understanding, sometimes compassion and even love!.!.!.
Call it kinship, friendship, whatever!.!.!.
A relationship blooms; a connection!
Each person is a potential flower

War, famine, fear, doubt!.!.
I think those things are there for control and self predation!.
Nature is a perfect example: something always gets eaten!.
Chewed up!.!.
Churning!.!. Energy reused!.!. Cycling!.!.

Beef jerky, almonds, seeds, and raisins! Trail mixes are awesome! : ]

We live rich lives!. So rich and brightly colored its distracting!.!.

I see this beautiful glowing green!.!.
Sometimes a crescent wave
Sometimes a tendril
Sometimes I'm a tendril, connected
Like flowers and earth
All flowers are in earth, unless
They are fitted
Conformed to a space or pot
Trimmed, shapedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Cycle of life without the deity =people!?
Then you bloom in your soliloquy for all to appreciate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com