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Position:Home>Philosophy> Amazing Experiences for a Teen Girl on Summer Vacation?

Question: Amazing Experiences for a Teen Girl on Summer Vacation!?
I can't travel!. And in my last question, it was said I was making a "bucket list!." This is not entirely true!. I'd like to live life on the edge instead of doing nothing!. I need some ideas!.!.!. As stated earlier, I can't drive and have no means of travel!.!.!. So, come on!. Stuff like, fly kites at midnight, read this book, dance in the moonlight, etc!. I've already thought of a few, but exterior imput would totally rock!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I totally know what you mean!. So here's some ideas: get a group of friends together and play capture the flag, or flashlight tag at night, go to the movies, go to the beach, go rollerblading, learn how to do something new like skateboard or play guitar, go to camp, spend as much time outside as possible, tan, have a camp-out, go shopping for some cute summer clothes, have a bonfire with friends, ride bikes, have sleepovers, make popsicles, climb a tree, listen to summer music, be crazy and uninhibitied (wear crazy clothes and go somewhere public with a friend and talk to random people in a strange accent- stuff like that), try to have plans every day, go to the library and pick out a bunch of new books to read, take pictures, plan a day to go to the ocean, talk to cute boys, go to carnivals, go to an amusement park, don't pass up any oppurtunities for fun, and if there none, make some!. That's all I can think of right now, hope that helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Come on! If you want to live on the edge, you need to do something about it!.

Just because you could not drive does not mean you could not travel on public transportations!. If you do not have money, you could ask someone to sponsor you -- in legal ways of course!.

As for ideas, ask yourself what is meaningful to you!? What are your interests in life!? Is there someone who you would be interested to meet or talk to!?

Never put limitations on something before you even find out more about it, because you could never know who you are connected to until you ask around for help!.

Peace and have fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do what the rest of the girls do!. Make friends with boys who can drive!. Go cliff diving, get totally plastered, and get laid!.
Or have class and stay in and improve yourself!.
Either way is up to you!. If you're looking to live on the edge, though, the former is the better option!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Teach yourself something, like a language, or an instrument!. It's a valuable experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Amusement Park, Botanical Garden, Aqaurium, Beach, Zoo, Museums, Art Galleries, Movies, and etc!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com