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Position:Home>Philosophy> When you realize the apparent illusion as it is, that is enlightenment?

Question: When you realize the apparent illusion as it is, that is enlightenment!?
To people who know that I'm talking about:
So when you begin to think all this is just perverted understanding and own perception that we are experiencing this universe, does that mean that Only "I" exist and everything else including you is just my way of perceiving the absolute!? Or like they say 'You' and 'I' are just verbal distinctions and only the absolute which is indescribable exists!. What is your view of the final truth !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Realizing the apparent illusion in a very deep way!. That is becoming detached and released from it suddenly (not just an idea in your thinking) into this sentient reality!. Yes that is a great step into enlightenment!. But then there is more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like your question!.

There are many answers that are possible!. Pick which ever you like!.

One idea is that each one of us is God and God is all of us!.

If life is just a dream it could be a shared dream!. If this is the case we all may create a little of the universe and what we believe or think has an effect similar to prayer!.

In some asian traditions many explanations are concurrently true!.

From one perspective there are no gods, from another God is everything!.

From my studies of Science I am convinced that our whole universe is a single living creature much like us!. A living person with parents and thoughts!.

Quantum Mechanics suggests that all things may be connected across time and space!.

There are many enlightenments, yours is but a single step!.

The universe is an unfinished story!. Fill in the gaps how you please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There continue to be increasing levels of Truth!.

"The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,
"Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton,
"Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,
"The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce!?", Free and Wilcock, http://www!.divinecosmos!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

you have to wait for it to hit you, like a beam of light, right between your eyes!. then you'll know!.
you'll just know!.
you won't have you question anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's however you see it and what you believe to be true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com