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freinds i am suffering from negative thinking and think useless thoughts all the time,if some one will talk me in ruff language i think his ruff language for many days how i can avoid and make myself that person who not mind dirty words!.

how i can control my thoughts,i want to make myself master of mind so i can not allow any useless thought in my mind

how i can do that,advice me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
One of the strongest deciders of your behavior is how you see yourself!. Tell yourself you are useless and life sucks and it likely will!. Believe in yourself and you will achieve much more!.

Habits are hard to break!. For many years I never ever swore and people thought I was strange!. Once I started I found I sometimes swore in inapropriate situations!.

I suggest you take three breaths before you say anything and check if what you are saying or thinking is ok!.

Automatic thoughts, actions or words are not always the best!.

Think of a hero of yours, and try to imagine what your hero would do, then do it (or something similar that you are comfortable with)!.

Make sure you are feeding your basic needs for security and acceptance, or the child within you may rebel!.


Self control is like any other skill it requires practice!.

Read up on Transactional Analysis on how to keep the various parts of your psyche in harmony!.

E!.g!. Don't ignore or try to kid the child within you!.

If you make a promise to yourself keep it!.

Will power is like elastic!. You are pulled in various directions, by outside and internal forces!.

Habits of thought are like any addiction!. The longer you keep feeding an addiction the stronger it gets!. You need to replace bad habits with good ones!.

Our minds are like computers: Garbage in, garbage out!.

You will not stop random bad thoughts!. Parent tapes are especially hard to quiet!. You must consciously fill your mind with wholesome things!. A common trick is to say three nice things about a person before you give a critisism!. This includes when you complain about yourself!.

If you find you are attacking yourself, ask yourself what you would say if a stranger said the same bad thing about you!.

Most people who put themselves down would never let others get away with the same critisisms!.

Do a course on TA, Anger Management, or Assertiveness Training!.


I am trained in TA!. Email me or look at my other answers, if you need detailed assistance on visualisation techniques!.

I have listed some before in other yahoo answers!.
I will give more time to an email, if you want focussed help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stop thinking about yourself and begin contemplating nothing!.

When you are thinking about making yourself better by becoming the master of your mind you are filling yourself with thoughts of self!. Thoughts of self bring negative and useless thoughts!.

Language is learned by parrots and apes!. If you do not like ruff language then tell those who offend you with their language that you are offended!.

Stop thinking about yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

anything in assasive is not good exspecialy when it has taken over all your thoughts !.!.!.over eating !.!.!.over sex drive !.!.!.over stressed !.!.!.alchole !.!.drugs !.!.!.list goes on
once you know you have a problem in an area thats becoming unbalanced thats the first step !.!.!.im going threw the same thing !.!.!.meditation is a powerful thing
naps are good for me when i start over thinking taken a breather i wake with a fresh thought !.!.!.i have a long way to go to get balanced but i realize whats mine is and some times it can effect others to lets say your thoughts are stuck on a person well everything they do seems to effect you or not do then you become a pain in the @ss because they actualy havent done anything wrong but you take it out on them because its them that u cant stop thinking about !.!.!.!.
you probably saying what the !.!.is she talking about but actualy this making darn sence to meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Imo, your motives are reasonably pure and good!.

Einstein noted his physics was "thinking God's thoughts after Him!."

Language is cups holding Light of Soul-thoughts!.

Consciousness is God's awareness of Self!.

Some answerers have pointed to meditation!.

Three valid techniques: http://www!.yogananda-srf!.org
"Meditation for Beginners," Dr!. Jack Kornfield!.

You would probably benefit by reading these authors:

"The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet;
"The Path of Virtue," Jonathan Murro;
"Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton;
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck;
"The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis;
"Man, Master of His Destiny," O!. M!. Aivanhov;
"The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr!. Olga Kharitidi;
"Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians," Brandon Sanderson (fun),
"Science and Health," Mary Baker Eddy,

Try meditation!. The purpose of meditation is to remove all of your thoughts, so that you are just being instead of listening to a constant inner monologue!. There are many resources available to help you learn how to do this on the internet!. Good luck and may your troubling thoughts be quieted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

live in the present!. live for the present!. when you see yourself wandering off into no where, gently bring yourself back to the present!. What I have said here is mean't only as a possible point at which to start!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

study self hypnosis and self hypnosis is great and works but you need good self discipline!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cognitive behavioural therapy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Meditation could help you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be watcher of your thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't ask others to tell you how to think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

welcome to the world of adhdWww@QuestionHome@Com