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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe that love is the DESIRE for intimate knowledge for the one you lo

Question: Do you believe that love is the DESIRE for intimate knowledge for the one you love!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
love itself IS knowing the other fully!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you mean '"Desire for" as in one literal independent separate existence propelled inevitably to seek intimacy with another such existence, then you are speaking of carnal knowledge!. There is the commonly misunderstood idea that each one of us is somehow completely separate from all others that makes this approach always and forever just lust!. The 'attraction of opposites' is just another way to describe the painful longing and dualistic trap common for so many folks!. To celebrate the difference is certainly OK, but it is not what intimacy really points to as love!. Real knowledge as wisdom and intimacy cannot be found in something thought to be 'other' no matter how curious we are about how something other than a "me" works or how much that other seems to reflect something we cannot know directly in ourself!. I'm OK with lust so long as that is understood for what it is, but it is not love!.

Eventually many mature adults are interested enough to question deeply what intimacy actually is, as you point out here!. Those who follow this question all the way end up finding that intimacy can be entered into through physical differences, but not always necessarily with "another"!. This can be a kind of final surrender to one's own Self or even sometimes called God but not to some other person who seems to hold the key to that!. It has even been said that when making love with someone, we are actually being intimate with ourself and many of us know that sex is a sublimely spiritual experience!. The understanding that intimacy is actually what we finally are as life itself comes with the tacit understanding of what love actually is and also what the physical body is, and is not!.

Tina Turner has got it right!. She asks: !.What's love got to do with it!? Her story shows ---- first, 'everything' as needy and dependent, then 'nothing' as understanding what it certainly is not, then 'everything' again as authentic intimacy with what she actually is!.


No, I don't think that's how the 'heart' works!. When you fall in love, you have an idealized image of the person!. Something that cannot possibly be completely true!. With knowledge of a person, that enamored feeling begins to fade!. If you wish to keep the feeling forever, knowing as little about the person as possible is essential!.
Over time, though, that love turns to an affection for the person's weaknesses, and admiration of their strengths in ideal conditions!. An altogether different kind of love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I believe that love is a decision that we make with our minds, then follow through with our actions!. Whatever the action is of the object of our love we have no control over!. But we can decide to love them anyway, whether or not they love us back!. Love is a decision that we re-commit to every day (or not)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, but it include this!. :P
probably it is a philosophized version of love!. let's say it is a need to "unite" with the one you love, psychologically and physically, to "merge" into one to feel less anxious about life and more a whole, "less lonely" and more accepted, less helpless and more confident, less alien and more comfortable; It is a quest for the ultimate happiness and peace of mind in the other!. In this context, what you said is true!.

Love falls out of selfishness because our needs extends our egos, to another one, or maybe because they become part of our egos!. Love then is surging outward; it is construction!.

Without a deep connection, love can not survive!. At least you need the simplest forms of it!. If love does not touch the depths, then is it really love!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes there is that element; but love is a lot more complex than that!. I read somewhere that we usually fall in love with people that in many ways are similar to us!. By this, I mean people that not only have physical traits similar to ours but also belong to the same social class!. True love, however, goes beyond these limitations!. It is magical! It is unexplainable!. You know it when you feel it!. In fact, when you feel it, you act like a complete idiot!. You lose control!. It is, nevertheless, wonderful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No because knowledge is of the mind and if the mind is going the ego is with it!. True love is beyond labels, mental frameworks and expectations!. True love is when you connect to the deepest and infinite parts of a life form by connecting to the formless beyond the shell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are several differant types of love And If I may I'd like to reffer to a love for the gift of the one whom supports salvation!.

A Desire for intimate knowledge for the one whom gives life eternal is a quest that burns within ones soul!.


No, I believe that love is about sacrifice not intimate knowledge!. Intimate knowledge is matter of time and commitment, not a matter of how much you love--it's about how LONG you continue to love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I feel that to really Love a person, you do not need to have a desire for intimate knowledge for that Person, that comes later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, desire if given the energy by a couple to know each other intimately will lead straight to love, of course one must be mature and know how to raise the energy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I got all my heart’s desire because details of one’s life knowledge of classical literature to the believable in one we love truly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, Love is !.!.!.!.(ready now!?)!.!.!.love! and the more time you spend trying to dissect it, the less time you have to just enjoy it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

intimate just constamates, the fact of desire!.!.!.!.!.guys wanna pregnate!.!.!.!.girls can die giving birth!.!.!.!.!.this proves she is willing to be with you on a more definate level!. then just saying it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's a component, but that like interests are more important!. That, and chemistry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love is the desire to mingle yours and your others love into one !. An then all knowledge of the heart is yours !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, for me love is HAVING intimate knowledge of someone and liking what you know alot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!. love is when u feel whole with the person, with or without the intimite knowlage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


remember!.!.!.love is blind !!Www@QuestionHome@Com