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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you found Joy in others success today?

Question: Have you found Joy in others success today!?
Have you found joy in others success today and what was it!?

As always I ask this with Metta/Loving Kindness!.
(((((May you find joy in others success and others find Joy in yours)))))
Thank-you for answeringWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes as I do everyday!. My family and friends bring much joy which I try not to take for granted!. I also have the great pleasure in working with young people who have not been given a fair chance!. I find much joy in them, when they manage to read that word or do that sum without growing angry or distressed!.
I give thanks for it every day!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have not found any joy today, today has been a listless, dull, uneventful and a joyless day, nothing major happen all day and no one succeeded in bringing me down, or making me cook the books again, again to the surgery of my own brain, back to basics yet again, or again to my drawing board!. On a normal day, not like this day, I have to perform wonderful feats of creativity and ingenuity to live thought till evening!. I have to do a whole lot of amazing things: Sometimes, I dodge, sometime I duck, sometime I run, and sometime I just stand, solid still, then often I do pretend not to be listening, not seeing, and not even being there at all, but I also find it most convenient at times to just lye down, and pretend to be dead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I must say that I enjoy your questions because they generate such positive and deep thinking!. The rewards of these processes are many!. Thank you!

I do find great joy in other's successes!. Today, as in most days!. This is because the successes I see in others are a reflection of my thoughts and reality as well!. The Buddha is credited with saying:

"All that we are arises with our thoughts!. With our thoughts we create our world!."

Simply put, thoughts become things!.

When I find joy in the successes of others, I can find joy in my world too!. This is the way to a life of happiness!.

Change the way you think, and you change the way you see the world!. Change the way you see the world, and the world changes!.


Love your questions, very mindful !

Two friends finally got their commercial drivers license after several tries!.!. They called me up and when they gave me the news I believe I was happier than they were!.!. Good friends and very hard working individuals who only want the best for the people around them!.

[Seeing the way is like going into a dark room with a torch!. The darkness instantly departs while the light alone remains!. When the way is attained, and the truth is seen, ignorance vanish and enlightenment abides forever!.]Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES, not just today but everyday!. It truly makes me happy when others are filled with joy as it is contagious and adds to my own joy!. Thanks for asking !. Namastae!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

some people find joy in others' failure!.!.!.what do you call them !?Www@QuestionHome@Com