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Position:Home>Philosophy> Please help me!!???!!!?

Question: Please help me!!!?!?!?!!!!?
--- I always feel like some unknown person is watching me!.!.!.!. person or maybe not a person

---- i am agnostic and am unsure to believe in the Almight powers

---- i hate myself and everything about me

---- i cry all the time sometimes for no reason at all sometimes from a lot of reasons

---- i feel like 2 people sometimes!. one who is angry, depressed, melancholic and weird!. and one who is happy, out going, funny, peaceful, and carefree

---- i just don't no what to do!.!.!.!.i feel so alone even in crowds and sometimes even with friends and family!.

---- i need help but am i like a crazy person!.!.

--- ( 13 years old)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
13 years old and bipolar already!. Charming!. I was pretty wound up at your age too!. Though, I was probably a bit more naive, and a great deal more egotistical!. You'll either grow out of those traits and self-imposed roles, or into them!. Talking to a psychiatrist could help alter which path you take, but so could your own resolution to grow and defeat your problems!.

Here's a great deal of advice: I hope you have your dictionary handy, because I use big words!.

1) You're not old enough to be crazy yet!. Clinical onset of schizophrenia doesn't happen until you're usually about 19, or so!.
2) You aren't even your own person yet!. You're just an amalgamation of what other people have told you!. You can't hate yourself, because there's nothing really that's uniquely you to hate!. You hate what you are, but what you are is a product of what you've been around!. Self discovery is the key to breaking this!. You're going to have to invent yourself!. Read books, watch movies, and find character traits you admire!. Then try to emulate those people you admire and build your own personality!. It may seem fake at first, but as you grow into it, it will become you!.
3) You're sad all the time because you're depressed, constrained, you're probably in an authoritative household!. When you're old enough to go out on your own, and after you've changed who you are, this will subside!.
4) I've felt like you do, and it passed!. Life went from an annoying responsibility thrust onto my shoulders and became a gift!.
5) Agnosticism makes sense!. There is no quantitative reason to believe in God, except as fear of retribution!.
6) Life is both pleasant and contemptible!. You really need to appreciate both the sadness and the joy equally!. As they're fundamental parts of the whole experience!.

Finally, don't put too much stock into what others say!. Ultimately, you're going to come to your own conclusions about everything!. But that takes time!. So just listen to what others tell you, and form your own opinions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You sound depressed or maybe even bi-polar!. Is there anyone you can talk to!? Even someone at school or an adult you trust!? If you talk to someone they could help you and you won't feel so bad all the time!.

You don't have to believe in the Almighty powers!. It is your choice, but without a thought or a belief of something after life!.!.!.!. isn't that sad!? It would only make you feel more alone in the universe!. People don't believe in that stuff just for the fun of it!. They believe what they do because it gives them hope and a sense of security - something you don't have!. At one point (you are still quite young), you have to believe in something bigger than yourself!.

That said, you life is your life!. It is what you make of it!. You have so much living ahead of you!. Talk to someone!. Trust me, it will be the best thing you ever did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are a combination of our experiences and our biology!. Traumatic things may have already happened to you!. And you may have the genetic makeup which tends towards paranoid thought (strong genetic factors in this)!. There are medications which can help this and there is (I hope) counseling available!. There are people in this world who you can talk to and will be able to understand what you are saying!. Hang in there, bud!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok, so call 1-800232-6459 http://www!.family!.org M-F during business hours, ask for the Counseling dept!., make a phone counseling appt!., tell your story!. They are very helpful!.

1-800-525-LOVE http://www!.klove!.com 24/7 for good counseling!.


When you're cheerful, give a read in "The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis, "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, Ph!.D!., and/or "Emotions," Marilyn Barrick, Ph!.D!.

The advantages of contacting 1-800-232-6459 include referrals to local counselors in your area who are cautious with prescribing meds!.

God loves you, be somewhat forgiving of yourself, ok!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

as you are growing ,its all natural process that is happening with you!. so, there is nothing to say that you are a ''crazy girl''!. it is very common to everyone!. i agree sometimes it happens ,but its better and easy to get rid of it!. you should not think that you are the only girl who is suffering so many things at a time, but you should take it in a practical way that you have got a chance to make your own life more smooth, even and shiny, by struggling with your life on daily basis no matter what!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need to tell your family and perhaps seek some professional counselling!.!.!. if you think religoin will help then go for it!.!.!. I personally dont think you need religion!.!.!.it will just spoook you out even more!.!.!.all that nonsense about devils and spirits!.!.!. just find friends who care for you and confide in them!.!.!. but tell you family too and be honest with them!.!.!. good luck

I wouldnt say you are crazy!.!.!.its just a phase!.!.!. you will probably grow out of it!.!.!.but you may be bipolar!.!.!. speak to your doctor too to find out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sweetheart, you are wonderful!. so attentive, so wise, so seeking for the truth in life, so conscious, so aware!.!.!.

inviting you to my channel: http://www!.youtube!.com/pranananda
and i would love to recommend the book "a new earth - awakening to your life's purpose" by eckhart tolle
it is all about who you truly are, the core of your being and how to contribute your hidden beauty, wisdom and inner peace to this world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try the emo crowd you sound proper emo - confusion is usually closer to truth as the more you know about something more often than not you understand less about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Tell someone!. Is there a possibility you're manic depressant!? Look for help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tell your parents about it!.You need their help/advice!.Goodluck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's normal in your age!.
try to find a friend!.!.!.!.for not being alone in these situationsWww@QuestionHome@Com

You aren't crazy!. You are a teenager!. You are going through what we all went through, puberty!. And it sucks!. Your parents suck, school sucks!. Everything sucks!.

And you know what!? It's okay because you will get through it!. I promise you this!.

Sure, you feel like you hate yourself!. But stop that talk right now!. There's really no reason for it!.

You cry all the time and feel like two people!. Yep!. It's something sucky called hormones!. And once you know what it is, it's easier to cope with!.

Your brain is still developing and right now it's growing like it's on a mission to win the olympics!. So you're freaking out!.

This is perfectly normal!. You are okay!.

It will pass!.

But, if you feel like you just can't cope and it's just way too much, do yourself a big favor and get some help!. If you can talk to your mom about it, do so!. If you can't, there are resources like local counseling centers or health clinics that can get you help for hormonal imbalances and your feelings!.

Love yourself!. You are okay!. It will pass!.Www@QuestionHome@Com