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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do GOVERNMENTS GLORIFY WAR?

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War has multiple benefits for the governments, the biggest one is general fear, if you can get the citizens fearing war, then the government can gain more power through peoples desperation!. Another reason, is that war is usually profitable, whether it is resources, land, etc!.!.!.Another reason is distraction, if there is a controversial argument going on and you want to bail out, then why not start a war!?

Governments can use war for benefits, they play war as if it was a game for power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

War is an important facet of human existence!. We're a growing population of people, divided by race, nationality, and religion, sharing a finite supply of resources!. War is inevitable!. Nations don't glorify war as much as they glorify nationalism, pride, and success!. Moreover, they glorify the honor of serving bravely for the benefit of your countrymen!. Without that glorification, there would be war-weariness, and people might just be content to die off rather than hurting others for their own benefit!.
Until we develop a never-ending system of generating energy, food, and matter--there is no solution to war!. If there's no solution, then it is probably sound logic to try to be the best at it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1 war makes money for governments lots of it
2 county leaders have never been to war so thy have no idea what it's like if thy knew what it's like having bombs going off around you bullets whistling past your head watching people getting their arms and legs blown off maybe thy would think before thy invade a countyWww@QuestionHome@Com

War is so sweet! I love it! Its for the greater good!.!.!. People dying is bad but look at all we get out of it!
Maybe in the future wars will be waged with hi-tech paintball guns (or Paintball sabers or laser paintballs)!
That'll make the anti-war loons happy right!? er!.!.!.right!? What are you p^ssies!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it pays!.

War makes money!.

Money makes government!.

The war must be glorified so that the citizens will pay!.

And the citizens always pay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To cleanse society's collective conscience!. Punish the bad guy through retribution, then everything is o!.k!. Eye for an eye!
Well thats the reasoning they make us believe!. Spreading "democracy" is another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nobody likes war!. But it's like fixing a broken leg - sometimes you have to do it!. Or else others will take your country or your wealth or your lifestyle or blow up your office buildings, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cos otherwise they wouldn't be able to find enough idiots to fight in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com