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Position:Home>Philosophy> I always feel like someone is watching me. and I cry all the time and am so mela

Question: I always feel like someone is watching me!. and I cry all the time and am so melancholic Am I crazy orSomething
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why!? Why do you cry!? Why are you so paranoid!? Sometimes in order to become a better person, we have to find out what has been stopping us to become a better person!. Happiness can be found anywhere but it depends on what happiness means to us!. You are not crazy!. You're probably a teen with low self esteem just trying to define who you are and what your purpose is in life!. Or an attention seeker!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are watching you!.

One generally cries in response to suffering!.

So if you cry "all the time" you either have and incredibly sucky life OR you are overreacting!.

You are probably over reacting, since being on Yahoo implies you have a roof over your head & a computer & internet access!. Not exactly a life that warrents genuine depression such as a teenage HIV positive hooker in Bangladesh!.

Your problem is probably that you have no real problems, an so use melancholy to genearate some!.

Seriously, human beings are problem solvers, we need goals and problems to overcome to be happy!. Spend a day trying to fix or accomplish something & see what happends to the melencoly!.

(Something doable OK - Like a job at home or a gift for a friend!. Don't take on 'World Peace')Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is something wrong with you!. Your behaviour is not normal!. Go to a psychiatrist, don't be afraid!. But if you have no money, try to enroll yourself in a meditation center, particularly a buddhist way of meditation!.

You can also buy a book entitled the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle!. By this, you will find the way to healing!. It is all in the mind!. If your mind is healthy, your whole being is healthy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could be suffering from depression, get help talk to your doctor!. try taking St!. Johns wort it can improve how you feel, works for me!!

feeling someone watching you if knowone is watching could be paranoia a feeling that people are out to get you!.

your not crazy but you could be ill, get help!

try this website

Go out for walks!.
Be among people!.

If they are watching you, you're not paranoid :)!.

Seriously though: go out for walks!. Physical activity works great against depression and melancholy!.

Fall in love!. Love is a great anti-depressant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What do you mean when you say "I always feel like someone is watching me"!? Do you watch your own body acting like you were another person!? Do you feel "watched" by an unknown person!?

Anyhow, how old are you!? It could depend on your age (and your gender too)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, you are crazy for asking people who cannot put an arm around your shoulder, look you in the eyes, and say, "Let's sit down and talk about this!."

Or drive you to a doctor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Paranoia, Melancholy!.!. Sounds like depression, and possibly the onset of a schizoform personality disorder!. The best thing to do is to have yourself evaluated by a mental health professional!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lonelyness!.!.!.!.!. try to become a friend with the person which is watching you! So you'll know crazy you are or simply it is FBIWww@QuestionHome@Com


Do you want to change!?

And no, you're not crazy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

crying doesn't make you crazy, just too emotional!. you need to figure out what makes you feel the way you doWww@QuestionHome@Com

no,you just need a friendWww@QuestionHome@Com