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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why was there SO MUCH HATRED towards native Americans?

Question: Why was there SO MUCH HATRED towards native Americans!?
I remember when I was younger watching "cowboy movies" where the native Americans were often portraited as the "bad guys"!.
I believe that most Americans now give native Americans the respect that they deserve!.
Am I right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There was SO MUCH HATRED because the new Americans wanted our land!.

And the unreasonable natives of this land fought back!.

It was impossible to steal something without a reason and so the savage red beast became a good reason to take away so as to give to the good white people!.

It is true that now most Americans give native Americans respect, but still - no oil rights - no mineral rights - no repartition - few hunting and fishing rights - and absolutely intolerable living conditions on the reservations!.

So tell me; are you right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think country actually hated Native Americans!. It was more that they were a new sight to the white people, who had never met Native Americans before, and people always fear what they don't understand!. They were ignorant and prejudiced and thought of the Native Americans as a sub-human race whose needs came secondary to that of the white man!. We thought of them as savages because their ways were foreign to us, and in turn thought that because they were savages, they deserved to be ran out of their homes!. it's horrible, i know, but that's unfortunately what happened =(!. Which is why white Americans completely disregarded the the fact that the native people had been here first, and looked past their beautiful culture and destroyed it, along with their land, because it came secondary to the white man's conquest for land, power, and expansion of our young country!. And is also why we forced them to relocate and go to white schools!. As time went on, we took less action against the native americans through legislation, but the prejudices remianed and people still held many negative stereotypes about the native americans!. And the government never really teated them with respect!. They never recompensated them for the land that we stole from them, and instead stuck them on crappy reservations in Northern America!.
Like I said before, people fear what they don't understand, and in order to make themselves feel less afraid, they set out to destroy the source of their fear, just like the white man did the native americans!.
Today, fortunately, I think native americans have gained much more respect as other minority groups in this country have over time!. of course it hasn't been easy, but today native americans have been intergrated into the mass culture just as blacks, asians, and other groups that formerly faced a lot of discrimination and prejudice, and once again, when people are exposed to something, such as a group of people, they will accept it because the fear is gone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, cowboys were white!. Indians were different!. It's the big feud over land and the invading/attacking Indians when Americans were starting to expand West!. "Dances with the Wolves" is about this!.

Afterwards, there are Indians along cowboys!. Tonto from the Lone Ranger is one example!.

I don't think it's disrespectful, just that they lived in a very different time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate it that they can also Rock n Roll


haha i didnt even know there was!.!.!.!.lol i am Aussie and have no prejudice against native americans and dont know anyone who doesWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think the early explorers were put off by the arrow and scalping thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I count as one American, yes, respecting them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com